anthrax : an influence on other bands??


Apr 25, 2002
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we've all read many times about charlie's and scott's musical influences-
but have any members from other bands sited anthrax as an influence???
would be interesting to know...
we don't count though, since we're light years from making it. But my writing style owes a lot to Anthrax... dropped C#, light/shade, etc. Although lately, I've been writing a mix of Thin Lizzy, Skynrd, and old Metallica.

Anthrax also influenced Pantera... Dime says so himself in his new book.
stephen from deftones. i read an interview where he said the first song he mastered was among the living. deftones recorded milk for the non-existant S.O.D. tribute as well.

the bassist from good charlotte wore the among the living/killer a's tour shirt when they played cleveland (some girl in one of my classes showed me a pic because she knew i liked anthrax). they still suck though.
Eric Singer: “See, here’s an example of KISS influencing a band, then that band re-influencing KISS. They’re almost influencing the influence in a way, in a kind of loop. When Anthrax did ‘Parasite’ it made us sit back and say, ‘Hey, that really fits in with what we’re doing today.’ So we made it a part of the set for our club tour.” Gene: “When I heard these guys do ‘Parasite’ I had totally forgotten about the song. Then I heard them play the riff and I tried playing it again. I was like, ‘That was a cool riff.’”

Quoted in HP Newquist, “Anthrax meets Kiss,” Guitar August 1993, p. 83 – 90, 92 – 94, 96, 98, 131.
I'm influenced by Trax too!!!!One of the few bands witch great melodies and a big fuckin chorus!!!Too abd lots of bands lost it after "........justice for all", and started makin 15 + minutes songs , fuckin hate that!!!
Biggest flop was Exodus with" Impact is ......."same goes for a lot of the later ST albums and whatever happened to Sacred Reich???On that point I cjoose to listen to something else...... NOFX changed the whole music bizz for me , PunkROckRules!!!!!!!!!
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
Please don't say loads of pop punk bollocks is gonna say there infulences are stuff like anthrax slayer and S.O.D.

deftones and slipknot are the most common to praise the thrax,u would prob find half the death metal bands from late 80's to early nineties were influenced by the anthrax,they dont seem to mention thrax that much it seems to be a dirty word these days lol

the deftones guitarist stephen said anthrax was his fave band in school and still couldnt understand why they didnt hit the bigtime,pretty much the same for me at school everyones fave metal band was metallica and i was always holding the thrax flag high!!!

people often say anthrax were way ahead of there time and i am hoping in the years to comes the newer metal heads and musicians are lucky enough to get exposed to the thrax.