Anthrax with Joey was Thrash Metal
Anthrax with John was NOT.
It is that simple.
You don't think every musician explorers different style of music? Do you think John Bush isn't into any other types of music than Armored Saint style metal?
I think its awesome that Joey was playing music in any form. It shows his love for music and lack of ego.
Why don't you just shut the fuck up and wait for the new material to come out. If you don't like it then you can come on here and run your mouth about how Joey will ruined the band blah blah.
You love POT??? If so do you not think the next Anthrax couldn't be a follow up to that album? You are seriously a fuckin idiot.
You should be THANKING Joey for saving this band. If you hate what it has become so much just go put on Vol 8 and go jack yourself off to death.
"If it's not High pitch singing its not thrash" wah wah wah Hard Rock Sucks wah wah wah, But to be in a soft/pop rock cover band is awesome and shows you love for music and lack of ego?... Seriously?, You defend with what you attack.
Yes there is other music out there that is really good besides Old School Thrash. Kinda what i've been saying all along.
I almost get offended by your remarks sometimes when you turn it into personal attacks on people cause they have their own opinions, but then i just kinda feel bad for you.
I'll tell you what let's stop the personal attacks, I'll dig up a old Metallica or Maiden Shirt throw on the tightest pants i can, head over to your mom's basement and we can play Dungeons and Dragons, listen to old 80's metal all day long.

As far as PoT, The next album was gonna be something like that a return to the thrash style with a more modern sound. I was really excited but now Joey just gonna copy dan's vocals and sing it higher....
Vol. 8 Hell Ya, but i really prefer you didn't mention me in any more of your sexual fantasys, plus im a man that looks like a man, not a man trying to be a girl. I'm not your type.