Anthrax Line-ups

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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Anyone want to respond to this. Has it really mattered who is in the band? Every album I buy is so Fucking awsome. When new members come in, it just adds to the experiance. Everyone knows Scott and Charlie are the core. My point is no matter what line-up they have, they Fuckin rock!

BUSH is the best thing to EVER happen to them.

Hey SuperBrat.....You are talking about the name, correct????
Just Kiddin......

And, by the Bush is the best thing that ever happened to Anthrax. I was a huge fan of both Anthrax and Armored Saint since around '85. I actually bought Armored Saint's EP after hearing them on Metal Massacre 2 - "Lesson Well Learned". Then March of the Saint and every release there after. When I found out John (who has always been my fav singer) had joined Anthrax I was freakin! When I finally got ahold of Sound of White Noise....I was in a trance listening to it....I am not kidding, I don't think I have ever been as focused doing anything in my life. Out pours Pottersfield.....Anthrax finally had some real balls!!!!!! (The fact that Armored Saint still puts out great shit is a bonus....twice as much Bush!!!!) Hope Metallica is smart and snaps up Joey Vera (Saint's bassist) as their bass player as been rumored and John aluded to....that guy is one talented MF'er.
I didn't hear anything about Joey Vera, but that would RULE!!!
Yes, James and Lars (since they run the shit) should consider that a move in the right direction, especially considering at least half their fans are hanging in the balance.

I haven't heard a single thing. How am I that far behind?? (shut up Greg, I know you've got a smartass comment coming.)
see i really like meatllica but they are going way to soft and if they get back to the old days again they better get hooked up with anthrax and go on tour together...
but right now ANTHRAX is the best

I heard an interview with John on a few months ago and he mentioned that it might be possible and I also caught an interview with Jason Newsted as well on He aslo mentioned Joey's name as a possible replacement for himself. John said that it would be great because it would solidify Armored Saint's rightful place in the history of metal. It would show how much everyone in the business respected Armored Saint because John ended up in Anthrax (after turning down Metallica many years back) and Joey would end up in Metallica.

However, Metallica might not want somebody who is that talented and might actually want to contribute to the song writting process...I garauntee thats one of the reason Jason left. Lets hope they make the right decision.....Joey's talents could save Metallica's dying asses....
That's what I mean by their fans hanging in the balance. So many of us are tired of the shit they've put out lately that this new whatever they're doing is kind of like, are we gonna even bother or is it even softer?? John turning down Metallica is just pure fate right there. And you're right, it would be Armored Saint exactly where it belongs in the history books.
I did not know John turned down Metallica. I know I have always thought Jason was very talented, and that he would leave because of Lars and James control problem. Personally I do not want to see Joey in Metalllica, because Lars and James will just run him out also
I think it was on the Metallica BTM, James didn't want to sing at first so they were going to find a singer and asked John and he said no cause he was too into Armored Saint at the time. Woo-hoo for us!! Anyways, yeah that would definitely be a drawback to Joey Vera joining, James and Lars...I don't know how Kirk deals with it, except that maybe his checks are too big and fat for him to care.

Hmmmmmmmmm...It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.
Actually I think John turned down the offer after Kill'em All, before Ride the Lightning. Armored Saint was about to go into the studio to record "Delerious Nomad"....Thank f'n God he turned them down. Delerious Nomad has to be one of the best all around metal releases ever. If you like John Bush and you haven't heard him on "Aftermath" or his cackling laugh on "The Laugh" then you are missing out.

From a selfish stand point I don't want Joey to join Metallica either because it would officially signal the end of one of my all time favorite groups (Armored Saint). But for his sake I hope he gets it and helps restore a once great band to respectability.
What's the best Armored Saint CD?
I almost bought "Nod to the Oldschool", but I'd rather hear an original album.

I'm a HUGE Anthrax fan, yet I don't have a single Armored Saint CD.... absolutely have to get "Symbol of Salvation". That album has thirteen perfect songs on it. Symbol was released the same year that Metallica's "Black" album was released. Because of that, Symbol was overshadowed and the Saint lost its steam. In comparison.....Sybol of Salvation absolutely blows the doors off of that release by Metallica.

Symbol of a metal have to have it!!!!

Next I would say Armored Saint's most recent full length studio release..."Revelation".....the opening song "Paydirt" is a pile driving, head splitting, you better not be behind the wheel of a car song.

An example of John's great lyrical talent from that release follows:

"Beat my bloody fist to pulp....then I switch to prove that I'm a worthy man" - Control Issues

"Just a passenger....on your airliner.....crashing to the ground.....but the impact doesn't make a sound"

It rocks the hole way through
too bad they didnt bring it out the year after "Black"
they would have made a bigger hit than it is now....

If JOEY VERA joins 'TALLICA then I'm sure the sound AND the songwriting process' will change. NEWSTED was from FLOTSOM AND JETSOM.......not a real respected name in metal. JOEY is from fuckin' ARMORED SAINT over here! If JAMES or LARS respected the game like they claim they do, they'll let JOEY save their sinking ship. I want to see JOEY VERA or LES CLAYPOOL. CLAYPOOL can do MetallicA. Ever hear the PRIMUS cover of THE THING THAT SHOULD NOT BE? AWESOME! And what's this shit about MetallicA and JA RULE doing a song together? Can you say "Copy ANTHRAX much?"..........I don't know about that one. MIKE, sorry I missed you dude. Hope BRANDI'S feeling better.

So, until METALLICA come out w/ an oldschool shredder, make mine ANTHRAX! Well, make mine ANTHRAX anyway. Just b/c they're better.
i have to stand beside gregthrax on this one
if JOEY became a member of metallica i think the words spoken will be alot better, right now that is exactly what they need

LES can do the same but i think if they wanted to go back hard "oldschool" they need to get JOEY
but the way i see metallica right now is they wont get as hard as they ever was before, so im going to have to chalk one up for ANTHRAX for being who they are and for how HARD they are playing
just as long as they dont turn into softies like "tallica"
K this is my F & J contribution. I saw them w/Megadeth, Korn and Fear Factory in Aug 95. While they were on stage, I went up to get a bottle of water (as we were dropped in the middle of the desert for hours and hours). I'm standing in line, and it starts lightening like really bad. So, I'm standing on line, kind of freaking out and this guy behind me starts talking about how the last time F & J played there, some dude got hit by lightening. It made me feel really good about standing in a field with nothing but metal around and I kept thinking, oh great, I'm gonna die in the background of a fucking roadrunner cartoon, and I didn't even see the band I came here for, what a fucking jip, good thing I only paid $14 for this shit!!! Yep, all those bands for $14. Those were the days.
I agree with that, but you have GOT to admit to yourself and everyone else that Bush is probably the BEST thing that ever happened to them. Musically they all rule, but his voice adds an element they never had before.

Dan Spitz

That is the best line up the have ever had on stage at the same time. :headbang: