Anthrax: Spreading The Sweatshop.


New Metal Member
May 22, 2006
My Anthrax hoodie came in the post the other day and I was over the moon. Horns were in the air and my lungs were voicing my excitement with a big "F*cken A!"

So you would believe how deceived I felt when I look inside to see a fricken Gildan label on it!
I mean what are Anthrax doing!?

They have an Activism section on their website, yet they use of the most
"unethical" clothers manufacturers/suppliers there is!

I was very unpleased to say the least.

Anthrax: Stop using Gildan to supply your merch! There are other options.
Gildan has the cheapest and the best quality merch though. Would you rather pay 10 bucks extra for an American Apparel hoodie and have your sleeves fall off while throwing the horns?? Those sweatshop kids know how to double stitch my friend.
eh, sweatshops build character....

(just kidding) but I have never heard of Gildan, I am not that politicly aware, and really dont care where my clothes come from just as long as the sleeves dont fall off while throwing the horns...:headbang:
Yes... shut them down, stop exploiting the children.
They'll thank you for it when their families are starving to death.
My last pair of sneakers were probably sewn by some kid in Bangladesh who didn´t get whipped hard enough. After running a few times they started falling apart.

The moral of the story is if you have underpaid workers or kids in your factory, whip it good!
Everybody sing along...

When a contract comes along... you must whip 'em
The kid work force won't move along... unless you whip 'em
When there are sneakers to be sewn... you must whip 'em...

(apologies to Devo)
If that last one is relating to me, my last purchased pair of shoes was a pair of Chuck Taylor-style shoes from No-Sweat. You can go here if you want to see them for yourself:

*Edit: Sorry, didn't notice who that was directed at. :p

As for the Hoodie, yes I have worn it. And understand, my distaste for being forced to wear a tarnished garment for a band I love is well noted. But, if Anthrax start producing their merch through a more ethical source, I would as soon as throw this Gildan p.o.s. product away.

You all speak as if the only way to get a quality garment or product is to purchase it from a company that manufactures with sweatshop labour? Don't you realise you've been brainwashed by advertising and media propoghanda?!?

Who says that independantly run, or ethical companies don't provide a quality product? You're generalisations are based upon rumours you've heard, that are normally spread by the larger companies that benefit from them.

Ok, you may have had something that has broken because of the quality. But think harder and you'll probably realise that you probably got what you paid for... cheap sweatshop cr*p itself!

If you're happy to continue on living like the rest of the sheep, then ignore the truth and continue to believe that there is nothing you, or anyone else, can do to stop the downward spiral into regression. But remember: "The sentiments of men are known not only by what they receive, but what they reject also."

NT: For those interested, I found a webpage where a student tried to locate the production of his Miami University tee. Interesting... (Gildan related.)
I had some shirts made (jobbed out) overseas. THey were Gildan shirts. Great quality and the printing was incredible. After some consideration I had a local guy make some. They were fruit of the loom heavy weight shirts and they were no where near the weight or quality of the basic Gildan shirts. The printing sucked as well.
Look, you just said that you wore a shirt from a sweat-shop. So as far as I am concerned your opinion is now null.

p.s. Who are you to say what is and what is not a rumor, heresay, and propaganda? Did you personaly witness some vietmanese boy stitching your hoodie?

p.p.s. That shoe comment had nothing to do with you. Read before you retaliate.
Thrill: I wear the Anthrax hoodie to show support to the band. I'm not happy with how or where it was made, but I'll deal with that. You just keep ignoring the facts, or lying to yourself, or whatever it is that keeps you sleeping sound at night.

Thrax; Fruit of the Loom manufacture their products in a number of third-world countries, one of their biggest sweatshops is in El-Salvidor. Just because you bought local doesn't mean you bought non-sweatshop.

It's easy, you just ask: "Are they non-sweatshop? Are they made in USA [or my case, Australia.]"

What's not easy about that?