Anthrax vs.


Dec 6, 2005
OK here goes. Anthrax vs. Iron Maiden. Being this an Anthrax thread, and it would seem alot of us like Maiden....lets find out. The two bands might be totally different, but it would be cool to see the reactions. Discuss at your leisure.
Damn, hit the post button too soon....anyhow....

For me, Anthrax. Heavier, faster, more aggression. The music is more "listenable" and repeatable (IE I can listen to the same song over and over for days and never get tired of it).
Maiden for me musically i can listen to it all day and not get bored. Just that their forum cost money now and i refuse to pay for it. Also maiden fans forum wise are up their own arse.
ANTHRAX 1993-2004

'80s metal kinda gives me the shits.
...but if I had to choose between 80's Anthrax and 80's Iron Maiden:
Anthrax all the way.
iron maiden all the way!!!

anthrax is a great band but maiden's guitar playing is just so incredibly unique and they put out alot more energy in their songs in my opinion
how can we even compare the two bands.. two diffrent styles.. might as well compare Abba and Candle Mass.. :kickass:

I like both bands.. seen both bands live loads n loads of times.. Grew up with Maiden, then got into Anthrax in my early teens.. Man I am sooooooooooo old.. it aint even funny :loco:
Caggers said:
how can we even compare the two bands.. two diffrent styles.. might as well compare Abba and Candle Mass.. :kickass:

I like both bands.. seen both bands live loads n loads of times.. Grew up with Maiden, then got into Anthrax in my early teens.. Man I am sooooooooooo old.. it aint even funny :loco:

That is how I felt about other "comparisons" between two very much unrelated acts. This was throw in as a "just to see what happens" thread. Personally, I would pick Abba over Candle Mass. I never liked CM at all.
Anthrax by miles....

Iron Maiden are a bunch 80's turds.. There music is terribly cliche and doesn't even come close to standing the test of time.... Last summer I saw them at Ozzfest and it was laughable.. They were running around posing like they were in some terrible metal video from 1986...
tomass74 said:
Anthrax by miles....

Iron Maiden are a bunch 80's turds.. There music is terribly cliche and doesn't even come close to standing the test of time.... Last summer I saw them at Ozzfest and it was laughable.. They were running around posing like they were in some terrible metal video from 1986...

80's turds (shocked n stunned smilie) .. hey im an 80's throw back thank you very mutch..LOL.. guess were all entitled to ur own opinion coz if we all thoughtthe same it would be a pretty boring place.. :)
metal_thrashing_kansan said:
Damn, hit the post button too soon....anyhow....

For me, Anthrax. Heavier, faster, more aggression. The music is more "listenable" and repeatable (IE I can listen to the same song over and over for days and never get tired of it).
:headbang: :kickass:

You said it!:headbang: :kickass:

Maiden :lol: = Camp! metal, it really is the oppitomy of cheesy 80's metal!:puke:
Caggers said:
80's turds (shocked n stunned smilie) .. hey im an 80's throw back thank you very mutch..LOL.. guess were all entitled to ur own opinion coz if we all thoughtthe same it would be a pretty boring place.. :)

Don't get me wrong, I do love alot of 80's stuff.. But Maiden to me just reeks of total cheese... They were almost laughable in concert.. With all the costumes and stages poses and the repitious guitar solos. But hey, I love Motley Crue so go figure.....
I can't really draw many similarities here, other then they are both metal bands. I'd have to pick Anthrax, I suppose, only because they have proven to be capable of diversity in their music. They have used thrash, hard rock, even a little black metal feels here and there, where as Maiden has always stuck to the classic power metal formula. I am not bashing Maiden at all, I love them, but all in all, I listen to Anthrax far more.
i like eddie, but thats about it with maiden. just never could get into them at all.......i dont do the whole, i have to like them cos they are british.........tho i did love the whole, 'these colours dont run', bit during 'sharongate' last year

great musicians and come across and good people too, just cant get into their choons. holy smoke still makes me smile tho :) ( i still smell cleaner than the shit you're in, holy smoke, YYYYYYYYOOOOLLLLLLYYYY SMOKE!)