ANTHRAX's Scott Ian: "Joey's Fired Again"

well, i could be an aprils fool joke, but:

1- I PREFER JOHN BUSH! so i loved when i read that joey was fired

2- ...why sebastian bach can't join the band? if BLAZE joined IRON MAIDEN, or GARY CHERONE joined VAN HALEN, i think that anything could happen
...even GILLAN didnt join BLACK SABBATH?
You know, I happened upon this story today. Isn't it funny how life immitates art sometimes? I was shitting around about that story, but the rumor that Joey was fired, the fact Scott Ian did perform with Sebastian Bach and did so again at his new club in NYC... Ain't that something?
Okay, sir.... you scared the shit outta me. Albeit for like, one second.... but still...

Stanley from Life after Death ( I think that is the name of the band )

I think that was Life Sex Death (LSD... cool, huh?:Smug: )

You mean the Homeless bum Stanley, right?
They were hilarious!!:lol: :lol:

"I'm a tank, I'm a tank, I'm a taaaank!!!!!"
Why is this bollocks story back?

What other stories can people make up in a deluded hope of bringing John back!
You know, I happened upon this story today. Isn't it funny how life immitates art sometimes? I was shitting around about that story, but the rumor that Joey was fired, the fact Scott Ian did perform with Sebastian Bach and did so again at his new club in NYC... Ain't that something?

Thanks for the heart attack! I was joking the other day about hiring Sebastion Bach, I thought maybe Scott Ian read it and took it seriously!:lol: