ANTHRAX's Scott Ian: "Joey's Fired Again"

I think people fail to see the bigger picture sometimes. It boils down to the fact that they did stuff will Joey and John but that's inside of Anthrax's whole career. The band should play material from both eras regardless of the singer, simple as that. Especially in countries that have a more balanced preference to the eras. There will always be a percentage of people that like "Bush" era and a lot that like both, in total that would represent a fair amount in the audience. So the band almost has an obligation the play both. I've never seen anyone walk out during Room for 1 More or Fueled. I think Joey could serve Anthrax well by learning some more of the "Bush" era stuff. This is not meant to be a "Bush vs Joey" post. As I've said, I love both eras equal, so I dont want to fight about this stuff anymore.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight! And maybe the next time Van Halen goes out on tour Roth can sing Dreams, Poundcake and When It's Love.

Different bands, singers, vocal styles. It's like comparing Apples to Oranges. Joey proved what he can do with Worship Music with his lower range.
I see what you mean though. :wave:
The last thing I would want to hear when I go see Anthrax w/ Joey is them playing Bushthrax songs. Only is enough. It makes perfect sense for Joey to not be totally down to sing those songs, he has every right to not wanna do that.
Fair enough, but I don't think that was the idea behind the reunion. I think that they just wanted to relive their "glory days".
I don't really see anything wrong with that part of it. If they had made the lineup permanent, then I would agree completely that they should play the John Bush era material as well as the early stuff.

Funny what a couple of years will do. I've changed my opinion on this.

Now really, as fun as it is to see all of the stupid things I've said in the past, why are you bumping all of these old threads?:err:
The band should play material from both eras regardless of the singer, simple as that. Especially in countries that have a more balanced preference to the eras.

I would love to know which parts of the world the John Bush era is equally as popular as the Joey era. :tickled:

Put it this way. If Anthrax told the public prior to selling concert tickets that they were going bring John Bush back as singer for and do a tour in which they only played songs from the Bush era and NO songs from the Joey not many people would purchase tickets. I don't care what country you are in.

If you said it was going to be Joey on vocals doing only Joey era songs and NO John Bush era song it would be packed as evident by the reunion tour.

Even during the Bush years the majority of the fans that showed up were there to hear the Joey era material. The fans put up with the John Bush era material just to hear the Joey era songs.

On this forum there are John Bush era fans, about 10 of them or so. Outside of that I really don't know many Anthrax fans that care about any of the John Bush era material.

Go to a metal show and talk to the fans about the Volume 8 album or Stomp 442 albums and not many will even know what you are talking about. If they do they typically won't say good things about those albums
On this forum there are John Bush era fans, about 10 of them or so. Outside of that I really don't know many Anthrax fans that care about any of the John Bush era material.

Go to a metal show and talk to the fans about the Volume 8 album or Stomp 442 albums and not many will even know what you are talking about. If they do they typically won't say good things about those albums
i never met a Bushthrax-fan at any metal show.
I would love to know which parts of the world the John Bush era is equally as popular as the Joey era. :tickled:

Put it this way. If Anthrax told the public prior to selling concert tickets that they were going bring John Bush back as singer for and do a tour in which they only played songs from the Bush era and NO songs from the Joey not many people would purchase tickets. I don't care what country you are in.

If you said it was going to be Joey on vocals doing only Joey era songs and NO John Bush era song it would be packed as evident by the reunion tour.

Even during the Bush years the majority of the fans that showed up were there to hear the Joey era material. The fans put up with the John Bush era material just to hear the Joey era songs.

On this forum there are John Bush era fans, about 10 of them or so. Outside of that I really don't know many Anthrax fans that care about any of the John Bush era material.

Go to a metal show and talk to the fans about the Volume 8 album or Stomp 442 albums and not many will even know what you are talking about. If they do they typically won't say good things about those albums

I don't know why, but it looks a bit like you bought IMF09's book "1001 arguments against Bushthrax" ... sooooo lame!!!
Well the only songs from the 1993-2003 era that merit inclusion in a set come from Sound of White Noise... maybe Random Acts could make 'random' appearances. But yeh, I'd definitely like Thrax to perform Potter's Field and Room for One More perhaps
I don't know why, but it looks a bit like you bought IMF09's book "1001 arguments against Bushthrax" ... sooooo lame!!!

Not quite sure what that means. I personally am not a big fan of the bush era. But when I say this I don't feel I am saying as a personal preference I am just stating the obvious. Other than a few select tracks on Sound of White Noise and maybe the song Safe Home since it was a single for a minute there are not many songs from that Era that the majority of an Anthrax audience would want to really hear. Yet alone an entire set of Bush era songs.

The Joey era you could play just about any songs from any of those albums and I truly believe most Anthrax fans would be okay with that. There may be a few tunes from State of Euphoria that would get old but for the most part all of the Joey era albums are very solid and well received by most Anthrax fans
The last thing I would want to hear when I go see Anthrax w/ Joey is them playing Bushthrax songs. Only is enough. It makes perfect sense for Joey to not be totally down to sing those songs, he has every right to not wanna do that.

Agreed, the same as I never cared for Bush doing Belladonna songs. They should stick to their own songs.
Whilst I appreciate where you lads are coming from but to say their own songs? Um they are ALL Anthrax songs not simply Joey or Bush songs.

I would love to hear Joey do more Bush era music just like I loved hearing John doing Joey/Turbin era music too.
Joey's own songs are on Joey's solo albums.

So does this mean John Bush doesn't have any of his own songs?

The John Bush era of Anthrax is a completely different band than the Joey era of the band.

It is safe to say that most Thrax fans prefer the Joey era over the John Bush era. That is why not many people in attendance at an Anthrax show want to hear songs from the Bush era. Not many people liked that era of Anthrax. On this forum there are about 10 fans that do in fact like the Bush era better. But the ratio is very small and makes no sense for them to play John Bush era songs especially when Joey is on vocals.

So break that down. let's say 90% of the concert goers want to hear only the Joey era. 10% want to hear only the John Bush era. Then playing 1 Bush era song "Only" which was their 'only' successful single makes sense

So I don't see them doing any other Bush era songs and it's not because Joey can't sing them it's because 90% of the audience just isn't interested in hearing them no matter who is singing them.

If 90 percent of the audience is satisfied I'd say thats a pretty good job!
It's gets more complicated with bands who change singers a million times and their setlists. It's easier for Bush to sing the older stuff, because when he joined the band, that's all there was. Similar to when Joey joined and all they had was the first record with Turbin on it. But now that Joey's back, with WM and the 5-album back catalogue that happened before Bush ever came around, there's no room or time for Joey to learn Bushthrax stuff, not even mentioning that those songs are of a different style (and suck anyway!).