Anti-necrothread bump function ?


Aug 26, 2007
Paris / Montpellier, FRANCE
Here is the deal : a lot of times, i will open a new thread that is linked to a previous thread somehow, thus me posting a link for the new thread in the old thread (understand me ?), resulting in this :

-people from the old thread are aware of the new thread (resulting in more participation in the new thread)

-old thread gets bumped resulting in a necrothread and some people get mad at me (which i can understand)

My question is : is there a way to post in an old thread without having it get bumped ?

That would be awesome, thanks !

p.s : quick example of this !
right now, i opened a new Kevin Talley mixing contest thread which has to do with a DEATH cover, so posted a link to this new thread on both following old threads : Kevin Talley previous mixing contest, and DEATH Vivus album preview thread.
My question is : is there a way to post in an old thread without having it get bumped ?

p.s : quick example of this !
right now, i opened a new Kevin Talley mixing contest thread which has to do with a DEATH cover, so posted a link to this new thread on both following old threads : Kevin Talley previous mixing contest, and DEATH Vivus album preview thread.

1. What would be the point of posting in an old thread if not to bump it? So you can say something and have it never responded to?

2. This is exactly your problem - there is absolutely no reason for you to have posted in the other two threads; they're dead and nobody checks them - the new thread is all you needed to post.
1. What would be the point of posting in an old thread if not to bump it? So you can say something and have it never responded to?

2. This is exactly your problem - there is absolutely no reason for you to have posted in the other two threads; they're dead and nobody checks them - the new thread is all you needed to post.

I don't agree.

People who posted in the first/former thread are likely to be interested in the second thread, but might not see the new thread. Posting in the former thread without bumping it would be a way to let them know to check out the new thread without bumping an old thread.

If i posted on the Death Vivus Preview thread as a Death fan and missed the Death mixing thread, i'd be mad.
If i check out the past guitar competition threads, i'd be glad to have somebody post in those threads to let us know that a new competition/thread has been created.

Makes sense now ?
New thread use server space, old thread already take that space so if someone have a relevant thing to post; I don't see anything bad about old thread bump.
Mikaël-ange;10389357 said:
New thread use server space, old thread already take that space so if someone have a relevant thing to post; I don't see anything bad about old thread bump.

Oh I agree, nothing wrong with bumping a necrothread when the topic is relevant, but what Djab is doing is bumping a thread with a "related" subject, and at the same making a new thread for it, which I find as completely redundant. Bump the old one, or make a new one, but both??
Either I just don't understand the point, or it's not a good idea. Can't decide.
Oh I agree, nothing wrong with bumping a necrothread when the topic is relevant, but what Djab is doing is bumping a thread with a "related" subject, and at the same making a new thread for it, which I find as completely redundant. Bump the old one, or make a new one, but both??

the point is not bumping the old one but having the people in the old thread knowing about the new thread, without bumping the former thread actually (to avoid pissing people off)

this when there should be a new thread about the thing (like guitar competition 1, guitar competition 2, etc...) and former thread and new thread are highly related

Either I just don't understand the point, or it's not a good idea. Can't decide.

haha you bitch ! :)
Who actually subscribes to threads? I don't get notifications when people post on threads that I've posted in or started - I don't think many people do. Chances are if you missed the new thread about the Death Mix then you'd miss the bumped Vivus thread, too.

I think the bottom line is that you have a history of habitually bumping old-as-death threads and it's what I associate your name with at this point. Because of that, there is never a good reason for you to bump an old thread from where I'm standing.
Who actually subscribes to threads? I don't get notifications when people post on threads that I've posted in or started - I don't think many people do. Chances are if you missed the new thread about the Death Mix then you'd miss the bumped Vivus thread, too.

I think the bottom line is that you have a history of habitually bumping old-as-death threads and it's what I associate your name with at this point. Because of that, there is never a good reason for you to bump an old thread from where I'm standing.

I subscribe to threads i wanna follow-up to, because i don't lurk on the forum all the time.

And sorry for repeating myself once again but the point of my request here is just to avoid necrothread bumpage while still finding a way to get the people subscribed to the first thread to know about the new one.
If there was such a function, people whi didn't subscribed to the first thread would not be annoyed by any means (and i know you're the first one that gets pissed off anytime i bump a necrothread :) ).

Now, on a more general note, about the "there is never a good reason for you to bump an old thread from where I'm standing" thing, in a case where i'd be bumping a thread but not because i posted a link about a new related thread, i highly disagree with you.
For example, if somebody posted a thread about a certain highly anticipated album months before its release date (with studio reports for instance), then i'd find it completely stupid to post a new thread about the album once it's released because that would just result in 2 threads about the same subject.

When i use the search function on a certain topic on this forum, i always find 50 different threads on the exact same topic... Don't you think it would have been wise to have only one thread for this topic ?
Hopefully some topics are only covered by one well-maintained thread.

So yeah, if i wanna post something about this album from 5 years ago and a thread exists that was created 5 years ago, i'm not gonna open a new thread.
Who actually subscribes to threads? I don't get notifications when people post on threads that I've posted in or started - I don't think many people do.

I'd be surprised if only few people subscribed (or at least had the email notification when a new post arises on a thread where you had previously posted) to threads...

Anyone ?

By the way, a way to avoid necrothread frustration (unless you all wanna give up on the "use search function first" rule and create 50 threads for the same topic) would be to have the date of thread creation alongside the date of the last post... Seen that on other forums.

What do you guys think ?
the point is not bumping the old one but having the people in the old thread knowing about the new thread, without bumping the former thread actually (to avoid pissing people off)

If those peoples have any interest about the new thread subject, they will read it...
Mikaël-ange;10389668 said:
I don't get that... I mean, not everyone get mail notification when someone post on a thread where they posted before.

If you have the "auto-subscribe to thread when posting" and/or "email notification" options on you do...

And i was thinking that most people interested in one thread and posting on it were using this function instead of going back to the forum and see if the thread was bumped.
That's what i do.

You're misreading things I say but you're still wrong - people don't use the notification system like you think they do and bumping necrothreads is annoying.

I think bumping necrothreads when you have something relevant to post is less annoying than creating a whole new thread about the exact same subject (not talking about my "new thread related to former thread" OP situation here).
If not so, then i don't know why the "use search function first" rule is for...
I do use the notification system, I subscribe to threads I post in, but still don't see the point. If I log on the forum, I'll see new threads.

Email notification?? Who does that?

If you don't use the email notification, what kind of notification system are you using then ? I guess i'm missing something here :confused:

If I log on the forum, I'll see new threads.

You mean you will see threads at the top of the first page (threads that could be actual bump necrothreads, unless... (see the rest of my sentence)), not something else that everybody on this forum might be aware of but me, right ? :)