Anticipation for new album "Torn"


Evergrey Fan Forever
May 12, 2007
Canberra, Australia
hey guys just want to get your opinions after hearing a sample of the songs from the march and april teaser trailers at this point which songs do you think sound killer and when do you think the date of the new album will be released? :headbang:

ps i'm still waiting for my new t-shirt but i live in Australia that's proabably why lol
I am really looking forward to this one. I didn't anticipate or enjoy MMA that much personally, but this sounds great. It reminds me of Inner Circle combined with Recreation Day. I have played the preview videos dozens of times. Can't wait to get the full album
I barely can't wait for the new album! GIVE IT TO ME!!!!
We'll the songs that touches me the most and sounds best are "Broken Wings" and "Fail". "When Kingdoms fall" is also a killer.
Evergrey FP! Aussies are grabbing all the new shirts, it seems :)

yeah sounds like it.. oh well just means evergrey need to come back to australia for another tour. this time around there will be alot more ppl rocking up to the gig..

as for favourtie torn songs there's honestly not one bad song sample there i've listened to those teaser trailers non stop every time i'm on the computer..i need to hear the whole album so bad it's getting to :headbang:
I'm definitely looking very forward to the new Evergrey! While I didn't enjoy MMA as much as the previous releases, I still liked it a lot! And let's face it, it still destroys pretty much everything played on the airwaves. Speaking of airwaves -- I wanted to share this announcement with the Evergrey fans here!

ODIN'S COURT is happy to announce we will be featured on our local radio station 97.7 The Rocket this Friday, April 11th at 5:30, 7:30, and 9:00AM EST. Two new songs from the album Deathanity will be featured, including “Mammonific”, a song with very special guest vocalist Tom Englund (EVERGREY)! “Manifest Destiny” will also be played, as well as a brief interview with Matt.

Tune in anywhere worldwide through the web on 97.7 The Rocket’s homepage.

ODIN'S COURT recently finished their new CD DEATHANITY, a concept album about the direction the human race is taking the planet. They are currently in the process of signing with a label, and details about the album’s release will come out in the coming weeks.

Rock on!
It sounds like it's going to be more similar to Recreation Day than anything else, which is fucking great, RD is a fucking masterpiece.
yeah sounds like it.. oh well just means evergrey need to come back to australia for another tour. this time around there will be alot more ppl rocking up to the gig..

as for favourtie torn songs there's honestly not one bad song sample there i've listened to those teaser trailers non stop every time i'm on the computer..i need to hear the whole album so bad it's getting to :headbang:

I heard a clip of the Odin's court song w/Tom on your Myspace, it rocks, man!
Hoping for more guest appearances by Tom...

Evergrey, take it to heart that you impressed the hell out of the smallish crowd in Sydney, and I assure you there will be a bigger crowd if you guys come back. You heard that roar of approval when you asked us to invite our friends next time you guys come down under!!
No release date has been announced... latest update from Tom in The Grey Area blog was that they were close to ironing out details with a new label. That news was posted in March though, so I hope they haven't run into a snag.

Once the business side of things is finalized I'm sure Tom will be happy to share with us which label they signed with, a street date and complete track listing for "Torn," and a comprehensive U.S. tour. (OK, so maybe I'm making that last part about a tour up, but a guy can dream can't he?) :)
On the gig in Gothenburg last night Tom said that it would be released in September. They also played the song 'Fear' and it sounded awesome! This will be four long months although I'm sure the wait will be worth it.
I am COMPLETELY jealous of you, Strahd, and everyone else who got to hear 'Fear' last night! Good news that the album has a "release month" though!
Damn, September? That's fucking light years from now. I was really hoping to get it much sooner, seeing how they finished it months ago. I guess it's the result of how fucked up the music business is :(
I don't have a problem with that at all. Finally we get an idea of when the album is going to be released. And, as it goes for me, a concert in autumn or winter is much better than in summer. The ambience is way better and you don't have to get toasted in a overheated hall (considering there more open-air concerts in summer and there isn't the place for that near my hometown :loco: ). Would be really nice to see Evergrey touring through Germany this autumn/winter :)
Well, I was just hoping that I could get my hands on it asap. The tour is not that relevant to me I think, seeing how they came here only a few months ago and I doubt they'll come here anytime soon. (Although I really really really hope they do!)