
Originally posted by Ivo
I don't think that you'll be interested into our music :) it is described as a sympho black\doom metal, (another funny description I have from friend - trollmetal :lol: ) and I hope at the beginning of 2003 we'll release the debut album...

well I would be interested in that, definitely! let me know of the proceedings!
excuse my ignorance what is "wee provos" or "fellas"

no need to be excused, the wee provos is them three alleged IRA boyos alright...we'd like them back now please, you can airmail them if you like

hell, if you're gonna lock up ppl for teaching terrorism you'll have half the cia in jail.... :)
Originally posted by Bambi
no need to be excused, the wee provos is them three alleged IRA boyos alright...we'd like them back now please, you can airmail them if you like

hell, if you're gonna lock up ppl for teaching terrorism you'll have half the cia in jail.... :)

wohoo, that was a right-in-your-face remark.
a friend of mine have read you lyrics and get the idea that the lyrics containing religious stuff like moses divides the red sea and the one chasing him is drown in the water
is that the point?

ex: Whos water drowns the others, taking an oath for the trouble they're causing.
Who asks a simple question, who knows when who's forgiven?
I don't know why, but I always get some superhero-theme kinda impression when I read Saviours (the song) lyrics.

Kinda like:

Who's the one to protect you?
Who's the one wearing tight costumes?
Who defends the weak?
Who lives in the jungle with a rabbit and a holy cow?

The [insert superheros name]!! Tadaa!

i think that song is about the fact that something than can be right for you may be wrong for someone else.
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
I don't know why, but I always get some superhero-theme kinda impression when I read Saviours (the song) lyrics.

Kinda like:

Who's the one to protect you?
Who's the one wearing tight costumes?
Who defends the weak?
Who lives in the jungle with a rabbit and a holy cow?

The [insert superheros name]!! Tadaa!


yeah, first time i listened that song i was thinking of ghostbusters.
)?)c? i]Originally posted by Crack Hitler [/i]
I don't know why, but I always get some superhero-theme kinda impression when I read Saviours (the song) lyrics.

Kinda like:

Who's the one to protect you?
Who's the one wearing tight costumes?
Who defends the weak?
Who lives in the jungle with a rabbit and a holy cow?

The [insert superheros name]!! Tadaa!


you write the lyrics of yer band..? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Crack Hitler
Well yes. Didn't I mention we play superhero-metal using a real cow and a couple of chickens as percussion? :)

oh..sounds great..:D maybe you could fix it into some tolkien-metal..?! (god i laughed when heard that definition..don't remember the band, though..) :rolleyes:

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