Antress Plugins

Everyone HATED these when they came out years back. They've since been improved leaps and bounds IMO. I haven't used them in a long time, but to anyone that hasn't tried them yet, they kick serious ass for free plugs.

Also check out the youtube videos comparing Antress plugins to UAD, Waves, etc.
I hated them when they came out 'cause they were massive CPU hogs... I'm assuming they have improved the efficiency of these plugs too???
I read a few threads posted a year or two ago saying that there were huge CPU spikes but I guess they fixed them. They are super light on my comp 8gb i5-2500K Sandy Bridge 3.3GHz
The RTAS SDK is only released by avid to companies who run commercial ventures that can more or less guarantee continued development, hence very little RTAS freeware.
I guess these weren't too popular before, but to me, they're pretty good. I love the modelers, they apparently are at least pretty close to what they're emulating, if not exact. I use the Deathcore and Seventh Sign plugins religiously.
I've been using em for some time when I was on PC. Their Analouger plugin is a great tape-like saturator and tames highs in a sweet maneer, I was using it on the master buss all the time and I must say I was realy missing it when I went to mac and PT later. Now I use Cranesong Phoenix II for similar tasks, it is far more versatile ofcourse but analouger could give you some good results too!