iLok = plugins everywhere?


Mar 30, 2005
I read lot of producer's interviews where they said that when they work outside their own studios, they pick some mics and the iLok, so they can have all their plugins with them.
I don't understand this. iLok contains only the plugins licenses so if I put my iLok in another pc or mac I can't use all my plugins. I can use them only if the studio has already the plugin I need of if I install the plugins. So I don't get the point.
1. If the studio already has the plugins, I can use them also without the ilok.
2. If the studio doesn't have the plugins, I have to install them (and I don't know if I'm allowed to do it), so I have to pick up the ilok and all the plugins installers...
You install the plug-in demo or whatever, then plug in your iLok and it works authorized

You can install all your plug-ins on all your computers (laptop for mobile recording, desktop for studio, etc.), or use them at some other studio if you install there too. They wont be able to use it without your iLok or their own authorization, though.
I just install the plugins. Most websites have demos or easy access. But I can throw them on a memory stick if I know I need them. Most are just dll's anyway.

I even install Cubase at another studio, but they can't use it without my eLicenser key.
Oh and after I got an iLok, I wish all my software used it. For instance, Toontrack's stuff, any minor change causes a damn reauthorization. Even simple things like disabling the network for some extra CPU. What a mess.

I really fear the day I change a HD or CPU, or upgrade RAM. Then how much stuff will fail and be reauthorized. TRackS individuals, Komplete (Guitar Rig, Kontakt, etc. all individually), Toontrack Ezdrummer and EZ Player, Ozone, etc.
I actually like the iLok a lot because it makes registering plug-ins easier. I also use Toontrack stuff and I'm already out of authorizations on my Superior Drummer copy because I have re-installed Windows / systems so many times. I think the maximum is four times. It's the same crap with iTunes, limited authorizations, and then they tell you to unauthorize on the old system but you can't if you have just reinstalled Windows do to a corrupt system.
There is nothing difficult. I didn't understand the concept "your plugins everywhere using an ilok". The fact is that if a studio doesn't have the plugin you wanna use, you still have to install it.
I think it should be easier to have a usb key like the ilok when you install both licenses and you can simply put your key and nothing else.
that concept sounds like a bunch of problems in the real world though, I don't think they would do it just because a fraction of their customers doesn't have time installing all their plugins ;)
Well the iLok has been around for a while before USB memory sticks were dirt cheap.

What would be interesting now is an iLok that also held the plugins on it and was fast enough to not slow loading times and cause CPU drain. Also be able to hold way more licenses, like a few thousand with presets. I mean a 16GB stick is $30 now.

That would be sweet, and I would try to put all my plugins on it. Then they would be there without a reinstall. Of course sample based plugs you would still be screwed on the sample library. But having them really be on the stick with the factory and your custom presets, that would be sweeeet!
I think that is the case already with a few. Reaper could fit on a stick. So could Energy XT or whatever it is. Ardour, N-track, could probably fit.

Let's go even farther.. and include the OS!! Actually this has already been done. Full on systems on a CD or DVD or USB stick. I use Knoppix all the time as a repair tool.

There are a few distros of Linux that are even tuned for audio and video editing. So they will have Cinelerra, Ardour, Audacity, etc. Just need driver support and you are rocking.

The problem is that USB sticks can be slooow. Good read times typically, but slow write times and seek times. So one big file transfers way faster than a bunch of small files.

But also Windows or OS X are pretty bloated. Also DAW's like ProTools and Cubase are enormous. Plus I couldn't live without my sample libraries for composing. And I am sure most artists with loop libraries and such too. I just installed ProTools on my laptop, took almost 2 hours.
Come on guys, do you work every new day with an other pc?

I totally dig the ilok system, and puttting an .dll (mostly) in a folder isn't that time-consuming...
There is nothing difficult. I didn't understand the concept "your plugins everywhere using an ilok". The fact is that if a studio doesn't have the plugin you wanna use, you still have to install it.
I think it should be easier to have a usb key like the ilok when you install both licenses and you can simply put your key and nothing else.

It's (almost) that easy. I have 2 keys. 1 USB key and 1 Ilok. I can install all the plugins on my ilok in less then 10 minutes. When I get to a new studio I hand my ilok and my usb key to the assistant and he installs then while I spend 10-15 minutes getting acclimated with the studio.

It's not hard, it's not a big deal, it's not expensive or ridiculous. It's easy, simple and having serial numbers and challenge/response is much more difficult.

I know you weren't making it sound stupid, but alot of people were who simply havn't ever done it. :lol:
It's (almost) that easy. I have 2 keys. 1 USB key and 1 Ilok. I can install all the plugins on my ilok in less then 10 minutes. When I get to a new studio I hand my ilok and my usb key to the assistant and he installs then while I spend 10-15 minutes getting acclimated with the studio.

It's not hard, it's not a big deal, it's not expensive or ridiculous. It's easy, simple and having serial numbers and challenge/response is much more difficult.

I know you weren't making it sound stupid, but alot of people were who simply havn't ever done it. :lol:

sir... you know your shit