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May 16, 2006
Florida, USA
I use it, but sometimes it gets on my nerves. I can get useful information (when whatever gets posted isn't dilluted with bias, they're masters at that) and some good albums from it, but the administrators seem like all they're trying to do is be more intelligent than everyone, yet all they use to back up their facts are their opinions. Seems stupid to me.

So, does anyone here use it? What do you think of it?
A.N.U.S. said:
A formative work of integration of theory into death metal, Deicide's self-titled album integrated the primitive musical atavism of early death metal with the ambient tendencies of atonal music, drifting more into self-defining structure than less abstract works based upon an arbitrary framework of musical value.

Anyone that can apply that much creative bullshit to give Deicide credit in anything needs to be shot down by missles launched out of what used to be Mariah Carey's vagina.
The Hubster said: - A bunch of racist bastards. Fuck them all.

Yup and they dont know dick about writing a good review.

A.N.U.S.=Ass Nibbling Uncle Suckers

I could come up with better but i'm fucking wasted.
So why don't you when you're sober?

To truly appreciate that website, you have to actually be a person who's willing to take the time to be smart. You can't be a cynical bastard expecting to read only what you want to hear. Yes, some of the stuff on there is rediculous and overbiased, but there is plenty of stuff there that I find quite intriguing.
They know their Black Metal, and yes, they do post some intelligent material there, but their outlook with the music is too puristic for my liking. Much too narrow-minded, not to mention trying to be too fucking cool. And yes, racist as all fuck, which negates any positive intelligence they have. Thus, not worth two seconds of my fucking time.

So yes, amusing indeed.
The site is decent...sometimes...or maybe not. I only recall about two or three reviews which I actually found intelligible and informative. The rest is pretty much crap. Granted, they do know their bm, but I find some of their views on music/aesthetics to be uncritical and shallow (although they'd certainly like to believe otherwise). There used to be a couple intelligent people on the forums a long time ago but the last time I looked there were just a bunch of pseudo-philosopher morons and drones posting the same fucking propaganda that we've all been seeing for years now.
When I do go there I only lurk in the Metal Hall(audiofile) section of the site. The users often post cool stuff there. And yes a lot of the reviews are completely useless, uninformative and overanalytical And while they may tell you, that this the only effective way to write about evocative music, they do take it waaaay too seriously and are sometimes too extreme in their criticism towards bands/albums,which are "unworthy" of praise. Meh,elitist pricks. Amusing, nonetheless.
It's not particularely good, but it's not half as bad as some of you people would make it seem. They do seem to drag out their reviews a bit, probably to give them more validity, as if mass equals quality. But there is always some amount of interesting information in there, if you have the patience to sort it out. And on top of that, they have a taste in black/death metal that is very refreshing, compared to all the Borknagar/Arcturus/avant-garde bullshit/anti elitist fanboyism crap that is going on around the web.

"And yes, racist as all fuck, which negates any positive intelligence they have."

Oh please. Of course you, an arab or whatever, is gonna say that. But it's hardly a sound arguement.
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