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Their album reviews are skewed way too much by a band's ideology and their own silly grudges, not to mention that the language used is off-putting to say the least. Often they don't seem to understand simple musical terms. I think I remember them totally not getting what tremolo riffs were. They stupidly try to rewrite metal history in their own terms with their thrash definition and total exclusion of Death from the history of death metal. They also would have you believe that good black metal stopped being made around 1995, and maybe five good BM albums have come out since then. Totally worthless in discussing modern metal.

I have found some of their articles interesting, if not always agreeable. The one on the philosophy of metal was particularly interesting to me. There are some smart guys with some talent there, so when it's applied in a way that's not totally pretentious, it can end up being good.
Crimson Velvet said:
"And yes, racist as all fuck, which negates any positive intelligence they have."

Oh please. Of course you, an arab or whatever, is gonna say that. But it's hardly a sound arguement.

Actually, it is a VERY sound argument.

You consider pro-Aryan bullshit a positive thing? The white power movement helpful?

There is NOTHING positive or intelligent about giving someone shit beause of their skin colour and eye colour. It is the most pathetic crap ever concieved.

And for the record I'm not an Arab you fucking idiot, and even if I was, who fucking cares? Just because I am not Aryan, it means I "should" condemn racism? What kind of fucking brainless fool are you? Perhaps you should use that same logic against other Aryans who oppose racism as well.

Justify to me why it is not a sound argument, and don't use a stupid generalisation again to do it. Damn your parents should dropped you more often, once clearly wasn't enough!

Clearly judging from many comments in this thread, ANUS's approach to music is deeply flawed. If it wasn't the case, I wouldn't even be writing this post, and neither would other people voice their opinions of ANUS being taken so lightly on their musical opinions.
The Hubster said:
Actually you idiot, it is a VERY sound argument. You consider pro-Aryan bullshit a positive thing? You consider the white power movement helpful? There is NOTHING positive or intelligent about giving someone shit beause of their skin colour and eye colour. It is the most pathetic crap ever concieved.

And for the record I'm not an Arab you fucking idiot, and even if I was, who fucking cares? And fucking learn to spell and use the quote function properly you stupid fool.

My point was that political persuasions have absolutely nothing to do with whether or not their musical reviews hold valid points and helpful information. Which they do, despite your liberal, politically correct convictions. And I can list several artists, authors, composers and philosophers which are what you would call "racist", that have made a lot of positive art, so why should it be any different with reviewers?

And I am deeply sorry that my spelling isn't perfect in every post I make. Is that even relevant, or are you just trying to make nullify my points by making it seem like I am somwhat unintelligent because of spelling errors? If so, that is a very low way of arguing.
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I am not saying that someone who is racist cannot produce positive art, I am saying racism itself directly produces nothing positive from it's core purpose. You've completely misunderstood my post.
The Hubster said:
Justify to me why it is not a sound argument, and don't use a stupid generalisation again to do it. Damn your parents should dropped you more often, once clearly wasn't enough!

Is this a "positive" way to argue? Is this how you counter my arguements? By making inane comments like this? You are a hypocrite. And how am I misunderstanding your post? You did try to invalidate their reviews by stating their political beliefs, no?

And you are obviously very upset that I asumed that you are an arab, even though I did not even intend it to be a insult. If I had said "non-white", perhaps that would have been clearer?

And let me say, that by acting like a monkey when someone makes arguements you disagree with on a personal level, you are hardly being constructive in regards to people having "unfortunate" opinions of you "non-whites".
I've downloaded some really good obscure black metal from A.N.U.S but I dont buy into their elitist 'hessian' bullshit views or discussion.
Crimson Velvet said:
Is this a "positive" way to argue? Is this how you counter my arguements? By making inane comments like this? You are a hypocrite. And how am I misunderstanding your post? You did try to invalidate their reviews by stating their political beliefs, no?

And you are obviously very upset that I asumed that you are an arab, even though I did not even intend it to be a insult. If I had said "non-white", perhaps that would have been clearer?

And let me say, that by acting like a monkey when someone makes arguements you disagree with on a personal level, you are hardly being constructive in regards to people having "unfortunate" opinions of you "non-whites".

I validated my view of ANUS because I have found that their political views effect their reviews of music. If this was not the case, if the politics and music were kept seperate, my view of ANUS would be different, despite their personal political beliefs. After all, it's only the music I care about.

For similar reasons, I do not view Burzum as NSBM, although (incorrectly) states that Burzum is. The only part of Burzum which was racist was Varg himself, politics were not injected into the music, thus Burzum is not NSBM, where as Graveland, Kroda, Hate Forest etc clearly is.

Thus, were ANUS able to seperate politics away from their musical commentary, I would have more respect for them.

The assumption of me being an Arab is not the point. It could have been any non-Aryan race, this is the point.

Your assumption was REALLY stupid - how do you not know that I could be an Aryan making such an outburst? If it was not intended as an insult, you should have said so and added an appropriate comment to state this. Sarcasm is never well communicated over the internet, so think before you post and people like me won't need to act like a monkey. Pretty simple really.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
"Let's be nihilists, but live by a doctrine, organize an online community, and write a manifesto!"
DEE DEE DEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do you have an iota of understanding about Nihilism other than the hair-deep "lol i don't believe anything is worth anything lol"
The Hubster said:
I validated my view of ANUS because I have found that their political views effect their reviews of music. If this was not the case, if the politics and music were kept seperate, my view of ANUS would be different, despite their personal political beliefs. After all, it's only the music I care about.

Fair enough. But could you point out some reviews where this is the case, please? Just so that we have a example at hand.

For similar reasons, I do not view Burzum as NSBM, although (incorrectly) states that Burzum is. The only part of Burzum which was racist was Varg himself, politics were not injected into the music, thus Burzum is not NSBM, where as Graveland, Kroda, Hate Forest etc clearly is.

I wouldn't know about Hate Forest and Kroda, but how has racism affected Graveland's music?

The assumption of me being an Arab is not the point. It could have been any non-Aryan race, this is the point.

Your assumption was REALLY stupid - how do you not know that I could be an Aryan making such an outburst? If it was not intended as an insult, you should have said so and added an appropriate comment to state this. Sarcasm is never well communicated over the internet, so think before you post and people like me won't need to act like a monkey. Pretty simple really.

I have seen a picture of you. And I didn't mean for it to be sarcasm. I said it to point out that it is typical of non-whites to try to invalidate anything they deem racist, namely by calling it just that, racist, as if that is a point in itself (we clearly disagree here).
The Hubster said:
As a sidenote, I had a feeling this thread would generate some sparks - that ANUS crowd are a really anal bunch.


Your eloquence has yet to fail at impressing me. And just for the record; I am not part of the "ANUS bunch". I merely believe critique should be given where critique is due.
Crimson Velvet said:
Of course you, an arab or whatever, is gonna say that. But it's hardly a sound arguement.

neither is your ad hominem bullshit

that said, hubster is wrong in that one unpleasant belief doesnt automatically invalidate all other beliefs a person holds. you remind me of this woman in my sociology class who asked "why are we even studying Marx, he was a wife beater and an alcoholic!"
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