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Ptah Khnemu said:
To truly appreciate that website, you have to actually be a person who's willing to take the time to be smart.
but usually people who are intelligent hate the site. Actually I think you'd have to be a retard to appreciate that site.
The main things that bother me about the site are the overly ambitious vernacular acrobatics that they attempt in the reviews and the fact that they never have sources for anything whatsoever. It makes reading the articles frustrating that they expect me to take them at face value.
Their reviews are crap for the most part, but some of their 'top' album choices are quite good IMO.
If you are looking for death or black metal cds you have not heard it's a good site. The site is pretty accurate on what the best extreme music is. I probably would not trust any other sites when it comes to death metal.
I agree with their core values enough to have started a german subsite.
Quite some of the things that are "critizized" (i mean flamed) in this thread are discussed at a.n.u.s. too. Its not the uniform mass of "nazi-pricks" that you imagine.

I agree with the point that the articles are kind of redundant. But i think that has changed a bit and is changing still..
I agree with their core values enough to have started a german subsite.
Quite some of the things that are "critizized" (i mean flamed) in this thread are discussed at a.n.u.s. too. Its not the uniform mass of "nazi-pricks" that you imagine.
(M)aggoT said:
Their reviews are fucking stupid.

The only good review is the one you form after hearing something with your own ears. Others people opinions are not important especially when it comes to music which is the most significant thing on earth. If someone has an opposite opinion on a cd you like that means they're wrong.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
"Let's be nihilists, but live by a doctrine, organize an online community, and write a manifesto!"
DEE DEE DEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cythraul said:
There used to be a couple intelligent people on the forums a long time ago but the last time I looked there were just a bunch of pseudo-philosopher morons and drones posting the same fucking propaganda that we've all been seeing for years now.

And then when someone (me) goes in there and posts something that they don't think is right they automatically delete the topic or move it to "compost". I mean, they don't even give you a chance to voice your opinion unless you're a fellow "hessian" who acts like a fucking drone and agrees with the administrators all the time. That's why when I found this forum I felt so welcome. (Though we do have our share of assholes.)
Idiotic site... the reviews are so unhelpful and ridiculously pretentious. Just looking at that excerpt from the Demilich review makes me laugh. Is that even English??? The Anus staff are a bunch of racist, pseudo-intellectual, arrogant clowns who think that using big words out of context makes them look smart.

The only positive thing to be said about the site is that their *are* some quality albums in their "best of" sections.
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
"Let's be nihilists, but live by a doctrine, organize an online community, and write a manifesto!"
DEE DEE DEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess somebody missed the boat on what nihilism actually means :loco:
actually ANUS pretty much uses a definition of nihilism all of their own so any attempt to point out their philosophy's contradictory nature is met with the claim that you don't understand it
Awful site, honestly. They confuse the constant use of somewhat archaic language with an indication of intelligence. Often, I have found their reviews completely wide of the mark in almost every respect. It also has the feel of a site written by self-appointed metal "experts" who have learned everything about classic albums after the fact, and therefore from a solely retrospective viewpoint, which - needless to say - I find really very irritating indeed.

...but mostly, yes, the pretensions to philosophy (some of the articles are very amusing to read due to their utter ignorance) and the overt and depressing level of racism do it for me.

In one word: risible.
MasterOLightning said:
Their album reviews are skewed way too much by a band's ideology and their own silly grudges, not to mention that the language used is off-putting to say the least. Often they don't seem to understand simple musical terms. I think I remember them totally not getting what tremolo riffs were. They stupidly try to rewrite metal history in their own terms with their thrash definition and total exclusion of Death from the history of death metal. They also would have you believe that good black metal stopped being made around 1995, and maybe five good BM albums have come out since then. Totally worthless in discussing modern metal.

I have found some of their articles interesting, if not always agreeable. The one on the philosophy of metal was particularly interesting to me. There are some smart guys with some talent there, so when it's applied in a way that's not totally pretentious, it can end up being good.

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