Any announcements prior to Year End?

You know who would be a great fit for the fest.....ELVENKING!!!!!

Although I admire your persistence & support for the band...ain't gonna happen. Great fit for the last fest, but not the next one. Actually, they'd be a much better fit for ProgPower...maybe Glenn can invite them for ya.

PPUSA can have the power metal certainly works for them...not us. We'll stick with the technical, progressive non-power-metal, & heavy get-your-head-banging metal...with maybe an occasional power metal-ish band once in a while...if we find one that more than 50 Chicago metalheads actually will come out to see. Attendance records don't lie...sorry.
Although I admire your persistence & support for the band...ain't gonna happen. Great fit for the last fest, but not the next one. Actually, they'd be a much better fit for ProgPower...maybe Glenn can invite them for ya.

PPUSA can have the power metal certainly works for them...not us. We'll stick with the technical, progressive non-power-metal, & heavy get-your-head-banging metal...with maybe an occasional power metal-ish band once in a while...if we find one that more than 50 Chicago metalheads actually will come out to see. Attendance records don't lie...sorry.

Yeah, its too bad that people didn't come out late on Saturday night, but I'm not sure this wasn't a result of the burn-out factor like one also sees on late Saturday night at progpower(some years, the place has only been 1/2 full!). At the original JJ Kelleys, you could get away from the music by hanging out at the pool tables, but at the JJMB it was hard to get away from the music: let's face it, spending 5-6 hours at a festival being barraged constantly by loud music is tiring for quite a few people.

Hopefully I'll be into the lineup this year like I've been into the lineup you guys have put together in past years. I've been drawn by bands like Morgana, Tad Morose, and Eldritch, more than most of the other stuff that you guys have brought over here. Guessing from the comments you have been making over the past few months, that time is over, which is too bad. Here's to hoping you guys can put together a compelling lineup without the foreign acts.
Yeah, its too bad that people didn't come out late on Saturday night, but I'm not sure this wasn't a result of the burn-out factor like one also sees on late Saturday night at progpower(some years, the place has only been 1/2 full!). At the original JJ Kelleys, you could get away from the music by hanging out at the pool tables, but at the JJMB it was hard to get away from the music: let's face it, spending 5-6 hours at a festival being barraged constantly by loud music is tiring for quite a few people.

Hopefully I'll be into the lineup this year like I've been into the lineup you guys have put together in past years. I've been drawn by bands like Morgana, Tad Morose, and Eldritch, more than most of the other stuff that you guys have brought over here. Guessing from the comments you have been making over the past few months, that time is over, which is too bad. Here's to hoping you guys can put together a compelling lineup without the foreign acts.

Although that is definitely a factor which we are addressing this time by changing venues, I don't buy it as a reason for those who never even came to the fest. Plain & simple, it was a combination of lineup, location & ticket price...all of which are being addressed.

Plus, the next event will be all ages, which will make it an earlier night for everyone...since for most people (older folks...hehe), once it hits midnight, people start getting very tired regardless of how many bands have played.

Thanks for the support though, and hope to see you at the next one...and no one ever said we weren't having foreign acts. ;)
Yep, us older folks do get tired!!!!!!
I have to be honest, after the VERY energetic Nocturnal Rites performance, I had very little left. I think many people felt the same way, thus the mass exodus of people during Lefay's performance.
Although that is definitely a factor which we are addressing this time by changing venues, I don't buy it as a reason for those who never even came to the fest. Plain & simple, it was a combination of lineup, location & ticket price...all of which are being addressed.

Plus, the next event will be all ages, which will make it an earlier night for everyone...since for most people (older folks...hehe), once it hits midnight, people start getting very tired regardless of how many bands have played.

Thanks for the support though, and hope to see you at the next one...and no one ever said we weren't having foreign acts. ;)

I really think you are wrong about the venue..there are so many factors about people not attending the fest in the past....first was the choice of venue...shure for a promoter ends it was good, I am sure it was cheaper than any place near or in the city.....but it was so damn far...and lots of people in the city dont have cars. Secondly..too many lame opening acts and a start time that made the evening go waaayyy to long. People in CHicago and the Chicago are lazy when it comes to supporting shows. Look how many empty larger shows there have been...Edguy/ Hammerfall, THerion and so many more that should have been packed. I know one word that would totally help your fest......Elvenking.

A band like that would totally help your fest. THey have a rabid cult following. Hopfully that there will be some decent bands this year. Cant wait for the announcement. It will be just like CHristmas to wake up in the morning and run to my computer and see Elvenking announced.
Perhaps it was Lefay that caused the mass exodus!!!!!!

Oh snappaz!!!! I think them having technical difficulties also did not help matters. If it were a couple hours earlier, I would have been more inclined to stick around for their set.

Bob - you sort of contradicted yourself in your post about venue location. You first say that the city will get walk in traffic. Then you go on to say that larger shows in the city get poor turnouts. Not sure what point you were trying to make.

Bottom line - I agree 100% that Chicago has gotten completely lazy about shows. I think there are so many shows and fests now more than ever since underground metal has become a lot more popular in recent years.

Whoever would have thought that if you wanted to, you could see bands like In Flames, Opeth, Kataklysm etc 5 times a year?
WHat I am trying to say Jason is that the city will get more walk in traffic than a show out in the outskirts of civilized America like Powerfest. The city too is filled with lazy people but when doing a show in the are cutting off a lot of people without transportation....most people who live inthe burbs have cars or acess to one. I think the real reason though that people dont go to fest is that they know that most are filled with time killer bands to fill up time to the main acts...then the time the headliners hit the stage it is runing hours late and they get cut off and the show is out real late. This happend at every Milwaukee Metalfest and that Alehorn of Power fest and that Windy CIty thing the Metro had last year. Powerfest was pretty good on times but it ran way to late.

I think the main issue with these fest is that people are turned off by way too many opening acts. I know it is a way for bands to break in but too many can spoil a show. I was so happy o have only one band play before Blind Guardian.

Iknow it is financially impossible to have all known acts play each day...but one band would solve all those issues.....Elvenking.
The city might have more walk-in traffic, though I still haven't seen stellar ticket sales for city shows.

That Alehorn fest was rather dismal when it comes to attendance.

Shows running late is always a problem. The venues of course want the show to run until "last call" because every extra minute open means an extra drop of alcohol consumed. Bob - you are dead on with fests like Milwaukee Metalfest. I remember back in 99, the year they had all the punk bands, we wanted to see Cradle of Filth. Then we saw they weren't playing until 2AM or something. It was 5PM, and we had seen all we initially came to see. No way we were staying another 9 hours to see Cradle (Tho we wanted to).
I love eating my words....I also mean "known" acts as bands who have a few disc out and are not local acts or bottom feeder fest bands. More power to you if you can pull off having all known acts playing this year.

Are you not happy I wasnt trying to sell Elvenking again.
I also mean "known" acts as bands who have a few disc out

Oh, so by that logic, I guess that for example Guns 'n Roses wasn't "known" until after the Use Your Illusion discs....hmmm. :p

I guess we'll just have to accept the fact that we won't be able to make you happy unless Elvenking plays...hehe. Oh well, can't please 'em all. ;)
Oh, so by that logic, I guess that for example Guns 'n Roses wasn't "known" until after the Use Your Illusion discs....hmmm. :p

I guess we'll just have to accept the fact that we won't be able to make you happy unless Elvenking plays...hehe. Oh well, can't please 'em all. ;)

I mean by having disc out is that they are a known act nationwide or in the metal circle.....Mirror Black is not a known band....Withering Soul is not a known act....Nocturnal Rites...they are a known act....Elvenking...a very well known act. Look at the Prog Power lineups...they are filled with known acts.
They are all not sell out club acts but they each have a fanbase....I guess that is the term I am looking for...a fanbase and not just local friends coming to see a co-worker play.

you can make me happy if you get any of these bands....

Freedom Call
Crystal Eyes