Any Anti Beatles out there ?


Dec 23, 2003
I am a major Metal fanatic, but somehow i can never agree that The Beatles influenced Metal Genre, Many Beatle maniacs claim that almost all forms of Rock were either initiated or influenced by The Beatles. i am looking forward some neutral opinions and also some info which i found very tough to find on the Internet ( may be i am not looking at the right sites ), A simple info i want is Did Toni Iommi (of Black Sabbath) also got influenced by The Beatles like the others ( Ozzy Osbourne and Bill Ward ) , I couldnt find much about Geezer's influences also. So looking forward to all ur Precious thoughts.
I don't think they really influenced metal. (Neither did the Rolling Stones or Suck Zeppelin IMO.) The instrumentation and rhtyms just seem too different from metal to have influenced it.
people go to far to say things like "if it weren't for the beatles then there would be no metal" (sorry, no beatles influence on metal) but their importance to pop music at the time can't be denied.... for example they broke all the rules completely, and actually released a 7 minute single to a world of 2 minute pop songs, etc.... its kinda sad to see that pop music has regressed from the brilliant "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" to todays manufactured shit.
I fucking love The Beatles, they are a great band. Songs like "Julia", "Hey Jude" etc are just sooo full of emotion, while songs like "Back In The USSR", "Revolution" and "Savoy Truffle" are just great rock songs. They are IMO the most talented band ever.
Maybe metal would be around without them, although like Yngtchie says, Helter Skelter is heavier than a lot of so called metal songs, including the Motley Crue cover version.
Maybe you don't like them, but they were one hell of a talented band.
for the most part i dont dig the beatles. its just too simple for my tastes, as is most music of that time and style. they ending of hey jude is nice though
I think they have an indirect influence, since they influenced stuff like Cream, Steppenwolf and Blue Cheer, who in turn influenced Sabbath and Zeppelin and Purple who in turn influenced everything else. They basically started band rock, as before them almost everything was solo singers.
I never heard someone say the Beatles infulenced metal.. but oh well..imo I wouldn't think they did, but I like the Beatles and I think they're very talented..I love the song Eleanor Rigby.
Tool said:
I think they have an indirect influence, since they influenced stuff like Cream, Steppenwolf and Blue Cheer, who in turn influenced Sabbath and Zeppelin and Purple who in turn influenced everything else. They basically started band rock, as before them almost everything was solo singers.

But there were Jazz and Blues groups, also bands like Everly Brothers
Buddy Holly and the Crickets.

and by the way it is believed that The Beatles were a rip off from a band
called The Ruttles.

See for more info
the beatles didnt start the rock band. as a matter of fact they almost didnt get signed because the guitar band trend was "fading away". and let us not forget all the jazz and blues bands which often featured guitar
genocide roach said:
the beatles didnt start the rock band. as a matter of fact they almost didnt get signed because the guitar band trend was "fading away". and let us not forget all the jazz and blues bands which often featured guitar
I didn'tmean they were the first rock band or anything, I meant that thats to the fact they hit it so amazingly big, peopel actually got interesting in bands, thus so many groups began to get signed, etc.
I don't hate the Beatles. I see how they were influential, but I'm not a fan. And I certainly don't find them to be SO influential as to be the ones who gave rise to heavy metal.

I think it was a joint effort by The Who, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath.
While we're at it, God Bless the late sixties and early seventies. The 40's through early 60's were completely fucking loaded with shitty pop groups who seemed to constantly sing about little other than their 'baby, or girl / boyfriend. Hell, at least pop today can go beyond that'