Any Anti Beatles out there ?

I think its obvious the Beatles indirectly influenced every rock band, as they became so popular( bigger than jesus as LEnnon said) that every band wished to put out rock music, get filthy rich, and lead a rock lifestyle. Even more compelling is the fact the beatles came from a poor part of ENgland, and were not exactly part of the corporate rock pantheon at the time.
Yeah, but you can argue that almost any major artist of an era influences everyone around them. I think The Beatles are getting too much credit.

I can't believe I forgot Jimi...
Tanith said:
you are a moron. Enough said. Have you even took the time to look at that site yourself?

Do u think i am mad to post some site without actually seeing it, Please check the photos present in the Rutles Story section in that site, You can easily figure out why The Beatles were a rip off ( their dress and hair style and also the fact that The Rutles had one guitarist who was a lefty ).
anonymousnick2001 said:
I don't hate the Beatles. I see how they were influential, but I'm not a fan. And I certainly don't find them to be SO influential as to be the ones who gave rise to heavy metal.

I think it was a joint effort by The Who, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and Black Sabbath.

I totally agree with you, Beatles are getting too much credit for everything,
I am sure even they got influenced from other bands, So logically they shouldnt get all the credit as the Beatle Maniacs claim.
I think The Beatles did influence Metal.

The Beatles opened the door to a whole new type of music with their experimentation, ideas, songwriting and musicianship.

Metal is a pathway Blues and Rock N' Roll would never have gone down if the Beatles hadn't come along.
clangorous said:
But there were Jazz and Blues groups, also bands like Everly Brothers
Buddy Holly and the Crickets.

and by the way it is believed that The Beatles were a rip off from a band
called The Ruttles.

See for more info
The Rutles were created by Eric Idle, of Monty Python, as a comedy sketch on some show he had. They're not a real band.
Yngtchie Blacksteen said:
It didn't cross your mind that he may have been joking? :erk:
Yes, I did think long and hard about this.

clangorous said:
Do u think i am mad to post some site without actually seeing it, Please check the photos present in the Rutles Story section in that site, You can easily figure out why The Beatles were a rip off ( their dress and hair style and also the fact that The Rutles had one guitarist who was a lefty ).
But obviously not. God damn, you are stupid.

plfffffft said:
The Rutles were created by Eric Idle, of Monty Python, as a comedy sketch on some show he had. They're not a real band.
At least someone else caught on.
Beatles fans are lousy, but the band was great, and a huge influence on Black Sabbath.

There's a great reviewer on Amazon called "Fred Durst's #1 Fan" who writes retarded reviews of hundreds of albums. It's hard to describe why the guy's funny, but he reviewed the Beatles "1" as their debut album and decided it was weak compared to Linkin Park because they didn't have a DJ. Funny stuff.
LuminousAether said:
The Beatles were horrid untalented hacks that are considered brilliant because of drug-induced breakthroughs. No thanks, I'll pass.

You are so wrong it's almost funny.

The Beatles wrote the best Pop songs ever, they always kept their music interesting, they experimented, showed new ideas e.t.c All of that proves they were excellent songwriters.

Musically they all played and wrote intuitive and interesting music which all blended well together. The Beatlesa music progressed from Rock - Pop - Psychadelic era e.t.c

I'm not going to carry on because anyone who thinks the Beatles weren't excellent isn't a true music fan.
I almost totally agree with profanity on this one. I was listening to Rockline and they had on pink floyd. The guys from pink Floyd stated rock music was dead before the beatles, and furthermore the beatles were the ones who inspired and created all sorts of new and better editing and recording techniques. The guys from pink floyd went so far to say that without the beatles they would not have been able to put out any of their albums( at least from a technical standpoint).

I have also heard in interviews of George Harrison, that he admitted he could have been a much better guitarist if he practiced, and hung out with his wife stealer Clapton a little more, and the same went for the rest of the band. Yet, he did say, he felt good inside knowing he created new and interesting music that spoke to the hearts of so many people around the world.

I think we metal fans are much to jaded with accessible music. The beatles played inspired music that touched so many people througout the world- and still touches millions. A metal band just by its very aesthetic, will only reach 14-30 year old males, and a handful of strange women. It doesnt mean we should hate inspired accessible music.