any bassists in the house?


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2002
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Any bass playin' thrashers in the house today? What kind of stuff do you use? Fingers or picks? I play BC Rich through Ampeg using my fingers. I just wanna know what everybody else does.:confused:
Originally posted by sydystyk666
Any bass playin' thrashers in the house today? What kind of stuff do you use? Fingers or picks? I play BC Rich through Ampeg using my fingers. I just wanna know what everybody else does.:confused:

Hey..BC Rich..which model? I have an 83 BC Rich Eagle, but I don't play it. I mainly play a 1992 Tobias 4-string and play thru SWR amplification...Dean Markley Blue Steel strings exclusively. What strings do you prefer? Like you, I play fingers/no pick. Ampeg is a killer brand..I used to play an SVTII head before it was so kindly stolen from my old band rehearsal room many many years ago...

A black and green '98 widow, a white '97 warlock, and a '79 mockingbird, that kind of off white vintage color. Amp wise, it's a B24 combo with 4 eight inch speakers and a fifteen inch extension cab. I use Dean Markley Blue Steels for the widow and warlock, which are both in standard tuning, and the B, E, A, and D from a D'addario five string set on the mockingbird. All the basses are equipped with Dimarzios, Double P on the mockingbird and warlock, P and J on the widow. I prefer the P and J combo, but since the widow was the only custom one I've had done, I guess I'll take what I got on the others. What are your favorite bands/musical influences? Mine are Overkill, Kreator, Sodom, Dark Angel, Coroner, Sadus, Iron Maiden, Sabbath, etc. Bassist wise, DD Verni from Overkill, Steve Digiorgio from Sadus, Steve Harris from Maiden, David Harbour from Chastain and Geezer Butler from Sabbath. Feel free to e-mail me and we can talk shop! Fat stringers unite!!
I use an Ibanez SR1500 (4-str), I totally reset it up for playing drop B, through a zoom506 (I know, not the best, but it sounds killer), into an old late 70's GMT (Gallien Krueger) 600B, same model that John Paul Jones used to use. Cabs vary, sometimes I use a a peavey 4x10 and an EV 1x15, or the 4x10 and a 2x15 stocked with Carvin's, or the 2x15 and a 2x12 stocked with JBLs (Usually use with my GK800RB, I like the biamp sound too).

I've got an old black Gibson RD standard, although I like to collect Gibson's, I like to play Ibanez. I got an SR885 that I use for backup.

I have a Hamer Slammer.It has a short neck so people with shorter fingers can manage better.I usually play with my fingers but if the rhytm is more technical I use a pick.
I DO use a pick on one part of a song my band does called 'Sin,' where I wrote the part on an acoustic guitar and translated it to my bass. I do have picks on my mic stand though, for throwing out to people when we play out, since I always thought that was cool, catching a pick or stick at a show.
so whats everybody's stance? Pick or Fingers?
For the first few years that I was palying, I used a pick. It was all aggresive metal type stuff and I wasn't fast enough with my fingers. Then I started playing nothing but Black Sabbath and some other stuff for a while and got real proficient with my fingers. Recently I just started recording for our second album and eventhough I can play it perfect and get a decent tone, everybody insisted I play with a pick for the entire recording. My plan was to play with a pick for one particular part in one song just for clarity, but they figured the pick provided the overall aggressiveness the recording needed.

I'm gonna invent an emulator for fingerstyle players so that they can have the sound of a pick without using one. I had to relearn all my stuff in the studio with a pick. My guitar players are currently on my "shit list", hahaha
I play a tobias 5-string on an ampeg. Used to play with fingers, but I switched to pick, just for the sound, but I still play with fingers... depends on the song and part of it. TOBIAS RULEZ

If you like fingering the strings, and can't play some difficult part, don't switch to pick... practice more. Don't let your lack of technique make you switch to pick. Do it only for the sound.
Originally posted by ino
I play a tobias 5-string on an ampeg. Used to play with fingers, but I switched to pick, just for the sound, but I still play with fingers... depends on the song and part of it. TOBIAS RULEZ

If you like fingering the strings, and can't play some difficult part, don't switch to pick... practice more. Don't let your lack of technique make you switch to pick. Do it only for the sound.

I play w/ would be like starting all over again if I had to play with a pick! I have gotten very fast playing fingers, so I haven't really had that need to change just yet. As long as I can keep up with the Imagika tunes, I am okay!

Ino...I play a 1992 Tobias..what year is yours? YES, TOBIAS RULES!!! I am in love with mine. I met Michael Tobias personally at the NAMM show in January. I showed him my promo packet which included photos of me and my Tobias, and he actually remembered making it...ten years ago!!! I placed an order with him for a new bass. He has his own company now. I should be expecting it in late May. If you are interested, the web site for his company is

I play a rickenbacker 4 string thru SWR amplification and ampeg cabinets. In serberus i play with a pick becuase it sounds better, not becuase i can't play with my fingers. i like that edge, and often i'm filling the bottom because the guitars are doing their harmonies and i need the punch. for some doom shit i'm wokin on, its all fingers.
Originally posted by The Wanderer
I play a rickenbacker 4 string thru SWR amplification and ampeg cabinets. In serberus i play with a pick becuase it sounds better, not becuase i can't play with my fingers. i like that edge, and often i'm filling the bottom because the guitars are doing their harmonies and i need the punch. for some doom shit i'm wokin on, its all fingers.

What year is your Rick? I had a 1973 and sold it..a stupid move I now fully regret!!! I use SWR also..killer sound!
Speaking of bass playing.... I have thought about starting to play bass. But, what bass should I buy? Something kinda cheap, but still pretty good and good for a beginner. And should I from the beginning rehearse only without a pick? Though I guess it's gonna be a little hard to learn new tricks, as I'm already almost "one foot in the grave"...
Originally posted by ImagikaBassGoddess

I play w/ would be like starting all over again if I had to play with a pick! I have gotten very fast playing fingers, so I haven't really had that need to change just yet. As long as I can keep up with the Imagika tunes, I am okay!

Ino...I play a 1992 Tobias..what year is yours? YES, TOBIAS RULES!!! I am in love with mine. I met Michael Tobias personally at the NAMM show in January. I showed him my promo packet which included photos of me and my Tobias, and he actually remembered making it...ten years ago!!! I placed an order with him for a new bass. He has his own company now. I should be expecting it in late May. If you are interested, the web site for his company is


Well, I don't know the year, but I tryed a toby deluxe 5-string in a shop near my house, and I fucking liked ALL about it, so I had to buy it...
Mine is red, and it's one of the most beautyful basses i have ever seen... The shape of the head is great, very EEEEEVIL :mad: , and the body has a great feel. Sound is really great, pickups are mildly agressive.

about mtd, basses are great, but the price doesnt help. I perfer the shape of tobias basses, but mtd are also cool.
Extendar, check out either Yamaha or Ibanez. They both have pretty good low price gear, and are good enough that you shouldn't outgrow 'em too fast. I started on Yamaha back in '87 and went through probably twenty three other basses ranging from Ibanez to Washburn (who is also good), before settling on BC Rich in '97. BC Rich also has decent low price gear in the Bronze series, and they look evil, too. Check out , they should be able to tell ya more than me. Hope this helps.
i play with a pick ,, far better for playing faster with .. i dont know much about the technicalities of playing, all i know is i play on an aria pro ii .. i tune to a 5 string but without the middle string ,, and i am as fast as pretty much any bassist alive ,, if you dont believe me , ask anyone who has seen tangaroa at all , or anyone who has seen narcosis in the last 2 months whilst ive been in them! ..

its fun to see peoples expressions when i play!!:eek: :eek: :eek:
I have a Ibanez sr305DX thanks to the fact that I am very poor but it works pretty well so I should not complain.

I play only with my fingers and this works very well, it takes alot of practice but I'd rather work hard that using a pick. Pick just doesn't feel right for the instrument, you might aswell play guitar if you are playing with a pick since it takes away alot of the feeling. And in the end fingers can do more than a pick and it just sounds so much better too.
Well, I play bass in a Death Metal band, but am primarily a guitarist... I play with a pick.

My bass gear:

2001 Custom Warwick Thumb bolt-on .

Ampeg B5R amp
DBX DDP Compressor
Korg DTR-1 tuner

Ampeg ported Pro 4x10 HLF.

Awesome sound.

ImagikaBassGoddess, I saw you guys play at CW with Dragonlord. I must say you rip. Unbelievably tight with your drummer! VERY IMPRESSIVE.