any Blindness in extreme metal?


das verlorene Reiskorn
Jun 14, 2005
Are there any blindness in extreme metal? I mean some stupid prejudges that one must take if one wants to join a extreme metal clique? Or typical opinions of extreme metal people have without thinking. Or some kind of blindness or too not caring about the extreme aspect (like brutallity, aggression, violence, crime etc.) in the lyrics. I think it must be a very big blindness if a black metal fan find it cool to burn down a church or to kill other people (be it any reason).

What is your opinion about this?
to be honest, in real metal, i think its safe to say that there isnt alot of collective thinking. sure we all like metal, and there are some bands and ideas that are widely accepted, but all in all, i think youre gonna be hard pressed to pin down any sort of collective thinking in metal
actually i wasnt talking about racial discrimination which i find pretty dumb but whatever does it for you mang!
actually i wasnt talking about racial discrimination which i find pretty dumb but whatever does it for you mang!
um, ok. i know you felt the need to post the exact same thing twice, but do i really need to? i was cracking wise, being humorous, making a joke...
When I started listen to metal, especially got into death and thrash, there are some dictations like Guns'n'Roses sucks, AC/DC is cool, Michael Jackson sucks, Elvis Presley is cool. You had to go with these prejudges blindly, otherwise you wont be accepted in there. Whe the whole black metal came up, all the kids suddenly discovered their patrioty and tending towards right winged political statements and thinking. It's that some kind of collective thinking or what? I even think those kind of things could be very dangerous in a way how it influences newbies....

genocide roach said:
to be honest, in real metal, i think its safe to say that there isnt alot of collective thinking. sure we all like metal, and there are some bands and ideas that are widely accepted, but all in all, i think youre gonna be hard pressed to pin down any sort of collective thinking in metal
painkillermag said:
the political aspect is a tricky one because there is also a huge left wing side as well, which was very obvious in the thrash of the 80s, and continues is other forms today. i think there is a vast spectrum of ideas in metal. sure there are cliques, but like i said before, those groups exist in every genre. now the individual is gonna decide what they agree with and what they dont. and they are also gonna decide whether that affects the kind of music they like or not. presonally, i dont let my views on certain topics get in the way of the music i like, because id be missing out on great bands. and i think there is alot of that. you will always have 2 sides of the spectrum, but we cant forget everyone in between

as for certain bands being required listening. thats somthing that we all deal with. i hate pantera, i get in this argument with people back home all the time. appearantly, im not a true metalhead if i dont like pantera. but there are also people who say people who like pantera arent true metalheads either. so once again, you have youre 2 sides, and everyone in between
as for certain bands being required listening. thats somthing that we all deal with. i hate pantera, i get in this argument with people back home all the time. appearantly, im not a true metalhead if i dont like pantera. but there are also people who say people who like pantera arent true metalheads either. so once again, you have youre 2 sides, and everyone in between

thats the kind of thinking i cannot stand. i mean..i can understand because its a really awesome band, but an opinion is an opinion and opinions are nothing to go by. required listening of bands? since when is metal a fucking assignment?

anyway. the only predjudice stuff i can see is like..i dunno. i have short hair.. so all of a sudden i'm not allowed to headbang. haha. i used to have long hair and just buzzed it off. nothing wrong with headbanging.

but other than that. i think the metal community at shows and hanging out is pretty awesome and not bad at all. if you're walking around some street or whatever and you see some guy or girl wearing a fucking Suffocation shirt, you give them the horns or whatever...or just ignore them..and at shows..everybody is united seeing the bands..supporting the underground :yuk:
genocide roach said:
um, ok. i know you felt the need to post the exact same thing twice, but do i really need to? i was cracking wise, being humorous, making a joke...

i dont know hwo the fuck that happened
I know, english is not my mothertongue, but you know what I mean.

And I know there are the same shit in any music genre, only the subjects are different. But I dont care that much about other genre. So if you think there are something related to this topic in the metal world, I'd like to know what you find typical in this.

I am also aware of the existence of left winged thinking in metal, but that is not the point I want to make. It was just mentioned as an example what might happen if one follows a group ideology blindly or withouth thinking.