Any body have Morley wah noise problems?

Jan 11, 2007
I got out my old Morley Bad Horsie wah yesterday to mess around with. It is adding a tone of noise to my amp. Any body else have this problem with one of these?

Its been so long since I used it I can't remeber if it had always done that or mine has something wrong with it. I opened it up and tried to blow any dust out of it, but that didn't help. I already have a Rocktron Hush unit in the amps effects loop, so there is normally no noise prolbem without the wah.

Some body enlighten me.

Or show me naked pictures of your sister.
Well I can't show you naked pictures of my sister but I had a buddy who had a Morley and it hissed like a bitch. I'm sure that's the nature of the pedal.
I have one that I bought in like 1992 or something and now it makes scratchy noises. I also tried to clean out any dust but didn't help. I tried to sell it on ebay and someone for some strange reason got the impression that the scratchy noise was part of the effect! Haha. Noooo - it sounds like utter crap.
I have 3, a standard switchless wah pre Steve Vai model, a Pro Volume/wah and a Mark Tremonti. They all add some noise, the tremonti being the worst.
Most of Morely's wah pedals are pre amped to a lesser or greater degree, thats what causes the noise.
I've been looking at the new Ernie Ball wah and the Buddy Guy Dunlop wah which sounds great, not sure about the polka dots though.
I have a Steve Vai Bad Horsie II wah, and it's great but it does add some noise. I highly recommend using a battery with it, NOT the AC adapter, as the AC adapter seems to add a great deal of noise.

I also have the Dunlop Dimebag wah and it's amazing, and very noise-free unless you engage the overdrive switch, which adds a moderate amount of noise (half the fun really though is how it sounds like a tube screamer on crack!) By far the best wah pedal I've ever tried, less noisy than the Vai, and I've tried a lot of them!
Thats I good idea using the battery now that you mention it, I actually plugged it in using an adaptor from radio shack. It has the correct number of milli-amps but it could be part of the problem.

As for the dunlop wah's I have been eye balling them for quite a while, the dimebag one in particular. As for being switchless I don't think it is really that much of an advantage to me.

Dunlop makes great pedals though. I got the MXR carbon copy delay a couple weeks ago and it superb. It added zero noise to my signal level and sounds total organic.