I've had a Marshall 1960A cabinet for years that I put a couple British Celestion V30s in with the existing T75s in an X pattern. I had an urge to put the T75s back in the other day and make some Kemper profiles with the 6505. To be honest, with a cranked wide open cab, the T75s sound better to me than the X pattern. You definitely have to rethink traditional amp settings and micing can be quite tricky. After many failed attempts at a quality tone, I just put a single SM57 an inch away from the grill pointed directly at the center of the cone, which is insane unless you like fizz, but a 10k low pass fixes that quickly. I think the sound derived here is much more menacing for non-technical stuff than the mid focused V30 sound. The left track is one of the more boomy sounding bottom speakers and the right track is one of the tighter sounding top speakers. No stomp, just straight into the 6505. Most of my favorite album guitar tones are generated from these speakers, it's just more challenging to coax the goodness out. Any success stories from you chaps out there?
Here's a short clip
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/868701/New Ideas 080815 140 23.mp3
Here's a short clip
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/868701/New Ideas 080815 140 23.mp3