[For Marcus]1960A speaker blending day (G12T75 and V30 inside)


Nov 7, 2008
Today I put a single celestion v30 on my Marshall 1960A. I'm a G12T75 lover but I jump on v30 wagon for see what happen...
So it was an occasion for do a quick shoutout between V30 and G12T75 for people who didn't know this speaker very well (T75 no v30:D).

I used 2 mics (sm57 and beta57) so you can hear each speaker with different mic, but don't expect something stellar since each mic are put close to the gril and dead center.

T75 sm57
T75 beta57
V30 sm57
V30 beta57

T75 sm57 V30 sm57
T75 beta57 V30 beta57
T75 sm57 V30 beta57
T75 beta57 V30 sm57

And thanks to Marcus and Jeff for DI sharing :rock:
More comming soon (curently uploading).

For next link I tryed to get "best" tonal characteristic of each speaker so for describe a lite:
T75: sm57 between dead center and position 1A/beta57 in phase position 2A, sm57 2cm away from the gril/beta in phase
V30: same as T75 except for position: 2A for sm57/3A for beta57
Both: SM57 position 3A on V30/Beta57 between DC and position 1A for T75. 2cm away from the gril

T75 gtrs only
T75 in context
V30 gtrs only
V30 in context
Both gtrs only
Both in context

Edit2: fixed link
They sound very similar maybe a tad more even lows in the Vintage 30 and a more crisp high end in the T75... I can barely hear a difference between the mic... Helped me make my decision to stay with SM57's instead of buyin a few Beta 57's... Good shootout though thanks for your time :D
Very interesting.
So definitely, with t75 you put the mic more on the dustcup and not in the junction like with v30, is it right?
t75 has a bigger dustcup than v30, so if you put the mics aiming the junction they are probably a little far from the center of the speaker and the sound can be too much darker. I say that because I did it in one of my works and the sound was not brilliant at all, so I think that with t75, the junction rule should be a little different.
Anyway, I'm thinking about putting some greenbacks in my 1960a...I think they can compensate the lack of "movement" of the t75 as they move really easy
They sound very similar

Errr... No dude, they do not.

I'd say you've got fair representation of the difference between the two speakers there.
Not digging the beta at all. Sounds tiny and nasal to my ears.
Not surprisingly, I prefered the v30 57/t75 57 blend and the V30 w/sm57 alone.

Generally speaking, I think the well documented "scooped" tone of the G12t75 is more suitable for rockish standard tuned tone with shit tons of mids.

How original.:grin:
Thanks for doing this man! :rock:
seems like I have to get a T75 for some blending with the V30. It sounds really good to me!
I wouldnt use the T75 on its own though, the V30 clips also sound good on their own ;)
I like the sm57 more
great stuff dude!
They sound very similar maybe a tad more even lows in the Vintage 30 and a more crisp high end in the T75... I can barely hear a difference between the mic... Helped me make my decision to stay with SM57's instead of buyin a few Beta 57's... Good shootout though thanks for your time :D

I bough beta57 for snare micing in mind but I hear cool tone by Colin (Vile ator) with sm57 blended with beta57. Sound interesting but I prefer both sm57:D

Very interesting.
So definitely, with t75 you put the mic more on the dustcup and not in the junction like with v30, is it right?
t75 has a bigger dustcup than v30, so if you put the mics aiming the junction they are probably a little far from the center of the speaker and the sound can be too much darker. I say that because I did it in one of my works and the sound was not brilliant at all, so I think that with t75, the junction rule should be a little different.
Anyway, I'm thinking about putting some greenbacks in my 1960a...I think they can compensate the lack of "movement" of the t75 as they move really easy

Exactly Michele;)
I really worked hard on this speaker (t75) and for speak a little about it; I find sweetpot really are between dead center and position 2A (consider 3A like where dustcap meet the cone aka v30 sweetpot area). I think sweetpot is really small on it, really strange to hear that when you face this big dustcap:D.
Btw I had your idea in mind when I bough a v30 for put on my 1960A. And it's why I put a single v30 instead of 2... Now I need to choose if I put a scumback or a greenback on it.

Errr... No dude, they do not.

I'd say you've got fair representation of the difference between the two speakers there.
Not digging the beta at all. Sounds tiny and nasal to my ears.
Not surprisingly, I prefered the v30 57/t75 57 blend and the V30 w/sm57 alone.

Generally speaking, I think the well documented "scooped" tone of the G12t75 is more suitable for rockish standard tuned tone with shit tons of mids.

How original.:grin:

Same taste for me, I don't really dig beta57 by itself but in dual micing situation beta57 add different color. It's like spice:lol:

T75 are really special and don't work for everyone or everything, except DHIDW, all t75 stuff I hear have this exploding midrange (Wieslawski and Jacob Hansen production generaly) I like. But I start digin v30 so...

Thanks for all this kinds words btw, you rock guys:rock:
Very interesting.
So definitely, with t75 you put the mic more on the dustcup and not in the junction like with v30, is it right?
t75 has a bigger dustcup than v30, so if you put the mics aiming the junction they are probably a little far from the center of the speaker and the sound can be too much darker. I say that because I did it in one of my works and the sound was not brilliant at all, so I think that with t75, the junction rule should be a little different.
Anyway, I'm thinking about putting some greenbacks in my 1960a...I think they can compensate the lack of "movement" of the t75 as they move really easy

I've got 75's and GB's in my Legacy cab. Not sure how I feel about it after a year. :o