Any comments from the promoters?

Kind of curious to hear about the fest from Rob & Chris' perspective... when you guys have time. Inquiring minds wanna know. Thanks.


OK...well, you'll have to be a bit more specific. :p

Overall...considering all the bullshit we've had to deal with leading up to the fest, there really weren't too many surprises...just different degrees of the expectations. with every year, more lessons have been learned.

We'll be making an official "thank you" post shortly...but just a quick shout out to our crew...without whom there is NO WAY IN HELL this fest would ever happen!! Thanks guys!! :kickass:
OK...well, you'll have to be a bit more specific. :p

Overall...considering all the bullshit we've had to deal with leading up to the fest, there really weren't too many surprises...just different degrees of the expectations. with every year, more lessons have been learned.
Mostly, just curious about the final attendance numbers, if you can comment on any of the supposed BS the BLS pulled, whether the will be a CPF in 2010, etc. If you guys are planning a thank you thread... I'm sure that will cover it.
