Any concert reviews/setlists from European Tour???

what a fantastic gig in vienna :worship:

pics of the gig and the aftershowparty at the mighty escape bar are online now at



was indeed a great night and lots of fun and booze, cheers again to the guys for the drinks (hangover is calling :loco: ) :wave:
Svenskar: Kollade just hemsidan för Musikens Hus och det står att spelningen flyttats till Kåren. Som en lantis från de nordliga vidderna av detta land känner jag naturligtvis inte till detta alldeles säkert mytomspunna ställe och känner mig därför tvingad att fråga: var ligger det nånstans? :)
Hej there everyone.. I'm new here, BUT I can tell you the accurate setlist from this tour..
I saw DT twice in 5 days, so I'm pretty sure about it ;)

Here it goes... due to a certain "trans" state I was in, I won't write the songs as they go... I'm not totally sure, but I'll do my best..

Treason wall
Lost to apathy
Through the smugded lenses
The New Build
Scythe, rage and roses
My negation
The wonders at your feet
Punish my heaven
White noise/black silence
Of chaos and eternal night

I REALLY think that's it.. I was so excited, I could hardly memorize anything.. :)

Have fun all of you.... it's P E R F E C T, to say the least :worship:
Montpellier (France) was this list (almost in order) :

The Treason Wall
Lost To Apathy
One Tought
White Noise / Black Silence
Scythe Rage And Roses
The New Build
The Wonders At Your Feet
Punish My Heaven
The Endless Feed
Final Resistance
Wanderingblade said:
Theres a lot of good bands around (didn't know about Converge - where? when? how do I get tickets?) - Dismember played here a while back, as did Dissection and Behemoth. I'm quite surprised that they could get dates here and DT couldn't tbh. Still, mine not to reason why. I can't afford to travel atm, so I'll have to sit and wait...

King Chaos, could you tip me off to some good places to get news of what gigs are going down in Leeds?

I usually just look in the window at 'Crash records' on the headrow in the city centre. They have a full list of tickets available in there. Converge is at the cockpit, and I think it is at the end of March. I'll find out the exact date a bit later. You can get tickets at 'Jumbo' in The St Johns Centre, 'Hellraiser' out side the market, or Crash Records as previously mentioned. Im sure could sort you out aswell.
Right, question time again: I'm wondering at what time the bands go on stage? As I understand it, in Sweden there'll be two bands playing before Dark Tranquillity. How long are their sets? How long is the pause between? How long do DT play? When it was still on at Musikens Hus it said they would start at 9pm I believe... but I also read on the official site that the other bands have gone on stage earlier than expected.
Just wondering, because if I want to be able to get home I'll have to leave at 11.30pm, so if I'm going to miss everything, there's really no point in going...
Northern Lights said:
Right, question time again: I'm wondering at what time the bands go on stage? As I understand it, in Sweden there'll be two bands playing before Dark Tranquillity. How long are their sets? How long is the pause between? How long do DT play?

during this tour, so far dt have played at or around 8:30pm, and their set lasted about 40-45 minutes. kreator go on stage at 10pm and play for around 1 hour and 45 minutes. the opening acts play about 30 mins each and the pause between sets usually averages another 30 mins.
Do you guys think that there's a chance that DT are headlining the concert in Göteborg? I am just wondering, since it is their hometown and their new album was a big success here in sweden. Maybe they sold more records here than Kreator. I planning to see them in Göteborg anyway but it would be cool if they had a longer set. 45 min is too short.
Didl said:
Do you guys think that there's a chance that DT are headlining the concert in Göteborg? I am just wondering, since it is their hometown and their new album was a big success here in sweden. Maybe they sold more records here than Kreator. I planning to see them in Göteborg anyway but it would be cool if they had a longer set. 45 min is too short.

As I know DT have plans after returning from their succesfull US-Tour to do another european tour as Headliner as they did for DD.
Dont worry you`re gonna see Dt playing longer than 45 minutes(what is really to short for this great band)
Solefald, thanks for the info, hope you are right. Do you just expect them to play longer in gothenburg or do you have insider-information? :)
ok as I know, they changed the venue
according to the news on

Other good news - the gig in Gothenburg on the 3rd of March has been moved from Musikens hus to the bigger & better venue Kåren.

check out when they start and with whom they are playing, so perhaps you can calculate their playtime...

by the wy whats your connection between gotheborg and wien????
hey, solefald and DragonLady, thanks for asking i appreciate your interest. I am originally from Vienna, thats my hometown. At the moment (this moment started already August 2004) i live in göteborg to study a little bit. i am an so called erasmus-student. i study at chalmers-university. But unfortunately my stay here will end next month, 28 of march to be exact. then i have to go back to vienna, finish my studies (diploma-thesis) and get a job :yuk:
I knew that "Göteborg, nu(Vienna, Austria)" will lead to some confusion, but on the other hand, thats exactly how it is :)
wow that sounds cool, when u're back in Vienna we should have a beer at the Escape bar so u can tell me everything about this story, wish I had done that too, study in another place for a while... but well its never too late to go away from here no? ;)
Yeah, studying abroad is great. And living in göteborg when you are a fan of dark tranquillity or the swedish metalscene in general makes it even more worthwhile. and u are right, it is never to late for moving to another place.
well that would be part of a dream for me. studying in göteborg or even living there!
can you tell me how it is to learn swedish? you got knowledge of german and english so i think that is easy from my own experiences.