Any Finnish Opeth "fans"


So far, so good, so not!
Sep 15, 2001
Espoo, Finland
I´m just eager to know ´cos I haven´t met many them...
My dream would be to start a band as progressing as Opeth or
Opeth cover band. Does any of you wanna start a band???
One Finn reporting in!

Also the other members of "Thales" are Finns (duh!), registered here as Hearse and Protoss. Then there's Windom Pearl, the vocalist of Farmakon as well as his bandmate whose nick I can't remember (soz). ;)

Villain is usually around as well.. uhm. I'm sure I forgot some.:grin:

Oh yeah, by the way, welcome! :)
Yep, I'm here. :)

Muuten, ei kukaan teistä satu tietämään, mistä saisi Opeth-kipaleita kännykän soittoääniksi? (sorry all you non-Finns, but I couldn't find the right english words for that right now - I'm so damn tired...)

-Villain (going to bed right now)
Voishan niitä tehdä itsekin. Tosin moni biisi on 12/8, joten sen
kanssa voi tulla hieman hankaluuksia...Saaks niihin trioleita?...