Oh god, there were so many ignorant assholes back home who said shit like "Don't join the Nazi party" (though I didn't know that the NPD still actually ran for election and was elected in some places) I remeber we had an exchange girl from german and she was constantly harassed by raised arms and shit like that, but I come from a shitty little backwater town in Ohio, where I've heard that the KKK still operates, so what do you expect I guess.
A couple years ago, I went through a slight NS phase where I listened to NSBM and read right-wing fiction. I mostly did it to learn a different perspective, but I dropped it real fast when I realized I didn't like being pissed of all the time. I don't know, I still don't think it's fair for the German people to be constantly harrassed by the actions of a group of people almost 70 years ago, and I think the german people should be allowed a certain amount of nationalistic pride, because it really is a great nation. I've been here for almost two months, and I really love it, I've considered living here. Just havng a little trouble learning Deutsch, and making friends, but it will all work out, I'm an optimist

I've seen people in school here reacted in different ways to the NS period. Some don't mention it much, and others joke about it. I had two guys in my class come up to me after I made a presentation in German, and told me "I did good, but I need to speak more like the Führer" and preceded to make impressions. One of these guys also showed me a video online of a series of old Nazi video clips that were edited to go along with the YMCA song that I found pretty funny. But I haven't encountered anything quite as interesting as the birthday cake with the SS runes
I've heard of Secrets of The Moon, and I have one song from them, but I'll have to check it out. I've been looking for good German BM.
Yeah, Saarland is kinda far from here. I'm here as an exchange student and it sucks because my group tends to keep a tight rein on our travels. Hopefully that will change with time