Any German Metal bands that actually sing "Auf Deutsch"?

there's alot of them on the CoB forum... oddly enough...

that place is very immature, but at least people are nice there, unlike most of the band forums: "omg you like such-and-such band?!?!??! they suck, you suck, stupid n00b!" etc.
meanwhile pay no attention to my profile :P (cause when i wrote this, opeth was what was showing :D)
thats nothing; that was the third one in a week.

what made this one stand out was it was in an amish community... the day after i brought them up :|

but yeah... sick things happen all around the world; it's just for some reason they are more publicized here..
I'm alive again! Lots to catch up on in this thread, good conversation in here.

I've been out of town, and ill, and working, and all sorts of uninteresting things.

First things first (I'm pretending that you all might care, if you don't, well, break it to me gently, or let me live in my dream world ;) ):

Söy: I've started Rosetta Stone this past weekend. I finally made it into the Phoenix Library and got my magic library card. That afternoon, I was logged into the Rosetta Stone online program! Very cool. I am working on Unit 2 of Level 1. I'm breezing through most of it as it is content I am already familiar with.

I'm trying to not over-analyze and worry about not exactly learning noun gender with their examples. I'm on Unit 2, for crying out loud, I'm sure they have something planned for me later. I think this is one of the times where knowing a little already is a bit of trouble. Overall, though, I like it so far.

I've also downloaded the Ebook of 575 German Verbs. There's a 40 page introduction to German grammar that is FANTASTIC. I have skimmed over it and it gets into things that I've wanted to have laid out for me. So, now, I must sit down and read through it.

Oh, and your damned Dschinghis Khan video is going to give me nightmares now, I think. :zombie:

Regarding the subject of wacky-ass American views:

I've seen a little bit of the stupidity, but not too much. We had lots of German exchange students in my high school (typical number of students there ranges between 2000 & 2500 over the years), and I don't think any of them ran into much trouble with people acting like morons towards them. This was in a relatively suburban area, for what it's worth.

However, I've run into the rare and occasional person who is concerned about why I'd want to learn German. There's enough racist inbreds in the country that strive to get their inspiration from Nazi history that it makes people think that there's some likely connection between someone learning German and some sort of racist/political motivation. That can be a bit irritating.

And Mormons:

Where I live, the Mormons run a few neighboring towns, and they're working on the one closest to me. You can trip over a Mormon church about every two miles or so. One just went up down the road from us here. There is one 2-3 miles directly north of that one, one about 6 miles west of that one, and so on. They are so prevalent that when major housing developments/communities are built, they frequently just slap a Mormon church right in there with it.

SOME of them are okay, most of them are creepy with their over-done whitebread "wholesomeness". And, what's really odd is that you can spot them a mile away. Especially the males. It's freaky. They all have this clone-like similarity. Eeeeerie.

Am I caught up yet? Nice to be back.
Oh boy, I got a promo from Black Messiah who do this stupid pagan metal thing. They have some German songs on there, funniliy enough a cover version of "Moskau" ("Werf die Gläser an die Wand, hohohohoho!").
I'll remind myself to skip that one should I ever be in danger of crossing its path, then.

I'm currently forcing myself into the cases of German as I was never exposed to it in any previous courses. I've learned more in the past 3-4 months of learning on my own than I did in two years of lessons in school. That's somewhat pathetic.
so i just discovered Dorn...


i dont know what their intent for brutal music is, but the actual music is pretty cool
Dorn is baaad...ever heard Belmez?

Angelripper does basically the traditional German drinking songs on metal with a few own compositions about...well, drinking.

Böhse Onkelz have awful self-related lyrics in which they propagate their own martyrdom and outlaw status, having been boycotted throughout their career due to their skinhead past. The music is pretty insignificant (good guitarist though) in between punk and Rose Tattoo with more modern insinuations on the final albúms. Good that they are no more...

Knorkator is satire, no serious band, but probably a fun way to learn German...J.B.O. anybody?
James Blast Orchester in allusion to pop classic musician James Last, who made them change their name.

Anyway, they are not my cup, but may be a funny way to deal with German for language learners. Apart from their own songs, they do parodies on popular stuff such as "Enter Sandman" or "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (in this case "Ejaculation praecox" about coming too quickly...).
Peter Schilling, 1982 - Big chart hit:

Gründlich durchgecheckt, steht sie da, und wartet auf den Start. Alles klar. Experten streiten sich um ein paar Daten. Die Crew hat dann noch ein paar Fragen, doch -- der Countdown läuft. Effektivität bestimmt das Handeln. Man verlässt sich blind auf den Andern. Jeder weiß genau, was von ihm abhängt. Jeder ist im Stress, doch Major Tom macht einen Scherz. Dann hebt er ab und: Völlig losgelöst von der Erde schwebt das Raumschiff völlig schwerelos. Die Erdanziehungskraft ist überwunden. Alles läuft perfekt, schon seit Stunden: Wissenschaftliche Experimente. »Doch was nützen die am Ende« denkt sich Major Tom. Im Kontrollzentrum, da wird man panisch. Der Kurs der Kapsel, der stimmt ja gar nicht. »Hallo, Major Tom, können Sie hören? Wollen Sie das Projekt denn so zerstören?« Doch -- Er kann nichts hören. Er schwebt weiter ... Völlig losgelöst von der Erde schwebt das Raumschiff völlig schwerelos. Die Erde schimmert blau. Sein letzter Funk kommt: »Grüßt mir meine Frau.« Und er verstummt ... Unten trauern noch die Egoisten, Major Tom denkt sich »Wenn die wüssten, mich führt hier ein Licht durch das All. Das kennt ihr noch nicht. Ich komme bald; Mir wird kalt ...« Völlig losgelöst von der Erde Schwebt das Raumschiff völlig schwerelos ...
i just saw this. sounds interesting. i will have to give it a listen if i ever see it...