Any good US blackmetal band?

Since Absu was already mentioned, I'll add another one from Texas.
Band: Vesperian Sorrow
Album: Psychotic Sculpture

I've been a fan of these guys for a couple of years and IMO they kick SERIOUS ass. Musically the band is amazing. They even throw in GUITAR SOLOS, sometimes more than one per track. They are all damn good. The vocalist has a serious multiple personality disorder as well.

Judas IScariot, Sarcophagus, Demoncy, noctuary, Krieg, Absu, Averse Sefira, morobosidad, Ludicra (!!!!!!!!!!!!!AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), Black Witchery, Abazagorath, Nachtmystium, Sumeria, Nokturne, Kult of Azazel, Gedwolmann, Profanatica, Blood Stained Dusk, Shroud of Despondency (yessa!), Summon, Lorde of all Desires. just a few of the hundreds out there.....
Jeff named some good ones...let me see if I can think of anymore . . . .Abomination are good, Dead to Earth, Black Funeral, Wind of the Black Mountains, Grand Belial's Key, Cryptic Winds, The Almighty BLACKTHRONE, Abyssmal Nocturne, Blood Storm, Crimson Moon, DarkMoon (with Jon Vesano who is now in Nile), Fog, Xasthur, Goatwhore, Goatworship, Ibex Throne, Bellum, Nightbringer, Von, . .Ok, I can think of a million more right now...but if you want GOOD bands, you should NOT listen to these bands: Krieg, Black Torment, Ludicra..oh yeah...and Noctuary.