Any help or advise getting a better guitar tone for my recordings?


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
I recently made a home recording and the rhythm guitar tone isn't brilliant,I recorded directly in from my line six and I'v also used a mic but both times the sound has been far from brilliant.

I know I'm doing something wrong and could seriously use advice. Its just a laptop I'm recording on in my livingroom so I'm not exspecting amazing results just something a better than what it sounds like the now (fingers crossed) lol.

Heres a youtube clip of the song:

I know youtube isn't the best place to upload it but its all I have (N).

I currently have a Line six amp with a Ibanez grg250 with an invader in the bridge position, A roland vs-880 mixer and a shure prologue 10l microphone.

Any advice would be much appreciated.
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hi, i see it's your first post, welcome to the forum :).. just a heads up.. this topic has been discussed to a ridiculous extent already, do some searching on miccing techniques etc, there's a lot of useful information.

another thing to note.. the key to a great guitar tone is the bass guitar, bare that in mind also
#1 Wrong section. This should be in Production Tips

1. Sounds like the Cab simulator on the Line 6 is turned off.
2. Wrong kind of mic to be using on a guitar.
3. Sounds like really bad mic positioning.

Do a few searches on the forum for "pod presets" by Karzog and look at how he sets his shit up. He got some of the best POD tones EVER on this forum
make sure you check that the sm57s for sale aren't fake. there are a fair few sold on there so don't be fooled. there are ways to tell, not sure how off the top of my head