Line 6 amp - please help! Any recommendations?


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
I know this isn't a gear focused forum, so i'll apologize now for asking this in the Sneap thread...

I'm looking for a good sounding guitar amp for recording but have a VERY tight budget. I'm looking for something under $300 until I'm able to save-up for something else.

What happened? Long story short... my combo amp, 4x12 stack, and head are no longer working. What the hell happened I have no f'n clue. So, in an emergency situation, i'm looking for something QUICK and cheap.

Would anyone recommend the Line 6 Blem Spider III 75 Modeling Combo Amplifier ???

Thanks, in advance, for your help.

Fix the old amps?

A lot cheaper than buying a new one.

Well, I've been meaning to get a new amp anyways... this just now forces me to take an immediate course of action now and to start saving. The ones I have now will cost more to repair than they're actually worth. They're old and grungy.

Thanks for the recommendation for the Flextone. I was simply thinking the spider due to the fact that I don't have a POD even yet.

Do you think I should just get a POD right now and jam w/ headphones until I get a new amp? I know, I know, "get with the program"... i'm oldschool I guess. I haven't quite jumped on the POD bandwagon yet.
It's USB out doesn't let it function as a recording interface, though, which would be a major downer for me. I'm sure you could find a used Podxt in your budget.
I've used a V-amp Pro (about 170 brand new) and got some pretty good sounds out of it. Not sure how far into recording you are, but for what its worth take a look into reverb impulses as opposed to using the modeler's cab sim and you can get some very "real" sounding guitar tracks. Unless you can find a pod xt / pro on ebay or something, the pod has a wider range than the v-amp/v-amp2/v-amp pro and sounds closer to realistic, that is, in my own opinion but, I feel its shared by others as well. If you aren't worried about a warranty I'd say your best bet is to buy yourself a used pod xt if you're using it solo. If you're looking for live use and dont have anything as a power-amp and working cab it might not do you as much good though.

*edit: updated v-amp pro link*
I've used a V-amp Pro (about 170 brand new) and got some pretty good sounds out of it. Not sure how far into recording you are, but for what its worth take a look into reverb impulses as opposed to using the modeler's cab sim and you can get some very "real" sounding guitar tracks. Unless you can find a pod xt / pro on ebay or something, the pod has a wider range than the v-amp/v-amp2/v-amp pro and sounds closer to realistic, that is, in my own opinion but, I feel its shared by others as well. If you aren't worried about a warranty I'd say your best bet is to buy yourself a used pod xt if you're using it solo. If you're looking for live use and dont have anything as a power-amp and working cab it might not do you as much good though.

*edit: updated v-amp pro link*

I'm not doing anything live as of right now... i'm going to wait until I can get a new stack (which should be 6 mo's or so). I'm mainly looking for something to keep me occupied for practice and also for recording. I have an mbox as my digital recording interface to my PC. Again, i'm not that far into recording, but something that I can send a digital signal out and also be able to just practice with. I was looking at the Spider III 75w and have read nothing but good reviews. Again, I don't have a working amp, so i'm wondering how enjoyable playing through headphones will be for the next 6 months :(
Why do you say they are "super poo"? I've read nothing but good reviews about them.

I've always found them to be thin, harsh, and very digital sounding - it may be a similar modeling engine as in their other products, but the speakers are inferior and I'm sure the analog circuitry is downgraded as well.
Id say that you should get a used Pod XT if you dont need anything for live purposes, sounds awesome, and feels awesome too(I havent been noticing anything with the dynamics which many people complain about? :S).
Id say that you should get a used Pod XT if you dont need anything for live purposes, sounds awesome, and feels awesome too(I havent been noticing anything with the dynamics which many people complain about? :S).

Well, if by "live" you mean playing a gig, then no. But I do need an amp to practice with and for band practice. The singer has a PA system I can mic the amp for the time being. So, in regards to me a) not having a POD yet, and b) needing an amp, i'm just trying to figure out what I should do.

I appreciate all of your recommendations thus far. Sorry if i'm asking super n00b questions. I have been a Sneap thread reader and contributor for a while now I trust your opinions and advise on this forum. So thank you.

Eventually, my goal was to save up for a new stack + a POD (if i dont get one now). I could find a POD XT used now for under $300, but then my problem of ONLY being able to practice via headphones still surfaces.

Oh well... I guess i'll keep my options open and keep looking around I suppose.

Thanks everyone.
If the singer has a PA system, just get a PODxt and go into the PA. Works fine for shows, too. You can always patch into the house PA. We've started doing this live, too.

Guitar 1 -> Line6 HD147 direct out -> house PA
Bass -> Sansamp BDDI -> house PA
Guitar 2 -> PODxt Live direct out -> house PA

You can always dial in great tones on these, and the house PAs are generally set-up for the venue, and you don't have to lug heavy cabs around. Stage sound usually is crap anyway at most small venues.
If the singer has a PA system, just get a PODxt and go into the PA. Works fine for shows, too. You can always patch into the house PA. We've started doing this live, too.

Guitar 1 -> Line6 HD147 direct out -> house PA
Bass -> Sansamp BDDI -> house PA
Guitar 2 -> PODxt Live direct out -> house PA

You can always dial in great tones on these, and the house PAs are generally set-up for the venue, and you don't have to lug heavy cabs around. Stage sound usually is crap anyway at most small venues.

Awesome... thanks Doc
The Flextone III is not that good of an amp. The Flextone II HD was the best the flextone series ever got. I would definitely go with that over a Spider, but you're better off going with the PODxt or some other POD. The upgrade packs (ie. metal pack) are very useful and some people here get great tones out of them and you'd never guess it was an amp sim. Ebay has a tone of PODxt live's for the budget you've got.