Line 6 amp - please help! Any recommendations?

I'm retarded.

Now that I've established that, let me tell you why...

So, it turns out my amp isn't blown at all. I ended-up borrowing a friend's stack only to find out when I plug in my guitar it did the same thing (nothing coming out but buzzing --I had to turn it up all the way just to hear my guitar a little bit). So I started thinking "hey, maybe it's my cable or guitar input". After changing cables and also cleaning my guitar input, it still was doing the same thing. In frustration, I put my guitar down face-down on my lap. By happenstance, I look down and see a panel on the back of my MH400NT LTD that says "Battery Pack". "OMFG!" I thought to myself. Sure enough, I swapped out batteries, and now my "blown" amp works fine.

Let the bashing begin. :lol:
Reminds me of an old story about the bassplayer in Manowar who had no sound in his live rig, and yelled at the bass tech for a while until he turned on the volume knob on the bass. Classic ;)