Any King's X fans in the Mid-Atlantic Area?


Sep 26, 2003
Odin's Court has been given a great opportunity to open for legendary Prog band King's X at Jaxx in Springfield, VA! Also appearing on the bill is one of the DC/VA/MD's areas best Prog bands: BRAVE!

If you are interested in going, you can help support local music and save money by getting tickets through us on our website , or email about getting tickets to the following address: Your support is needed and would be most appreciated! :D

The event is on Friday, April 30th. Doors open at 7, the first band goes on at 7:15. So please come out and show Odin's Court, one of the MD/VA/DC area's only Prog Metal bands, your support. :)

Thanks, and Prog on!
- Matt
Odin's Court

P.S. LadyOfTheOracle plans on being there. ;)
yeah, did anyone see them with satriani and dream theater in september of 2002 in Baltimore, MD? i really liked the last song they played, but i cant find the damn name anywhere. all i can remember is that it ruled and the ending was really drawn out. ...and it went something like this ... DAdadadadadaDAdadadadadaDA ... a lot. thanks :confused:
@urinalcakemix - Maybe one day. :D

@v01c354nd51gn5 - Yes, I was at that show. Yes, it kicked ass. That song was "We Were Born to Be Loved". That and "Cigarettes" are the two songs I REALLY enjoy by them live. "Dogman" is also kick @$$. Are you going to come to the Jaxx show? :)
thanks a lot for the name, its been buggin me for almost 2 years now. VA is kinda a long way from here, but if theres any way that i can go, i definately will. :cool:
King's X fan right here, just not located in mid atlantic. I cant wait till they hit up my area, Phoneix, May 22....i am so freakin there. I saw them in November on there BLS tour, and my damn friend had to bail (and he was my ride) so i got to see like 5 songs.... :cry: But anyways, they are gonna tear it up :worship: :rock:
The show is getting closer. :D Any other mid-Atlantic people think they may come?

@v01c354nd51gn5 - No problem. That is my favorite King's X song - or at least in my top 3. If you make it down for the gig, please let me know.

@ShredManWalking - We probably face similar problems to you. Short of people around the country/world knowing about us here and there on a VERY limited basis, we can't really get gigs outside of the mid-Atlantic because not enough people know us. It's tough. We got this particular gig by being an area local band that does well, works hard, and "doesn't suck". :lol: We also played with Symphony X, BTW (among others). ;)

@SeaOfNames - They are literally one of the best live bands I've ever seen. I've seen them 3 times now, and I can't wait!
I've been trying to get down with the gang to finally see Odin's Court. What's stopping me this time? I already had tickets for Iced Earth/Evergrey on that day. It's unfortunate because I really like Odin's Court based on the cd AND Brave's cd is really really good also. On the other hand, I'm seeing King's X with Ice Age on the 1st, but one of these days I'll get down to see the Jaxx scene. Hey Matt, it's good to see you're getting these great gigs.
@Rifugium -

Thanks for the compliments. :D Yes, hopefully you'll get down here one of these days, but also we'll hopefully play up your way. I'm glad you enjoy the CD. Yeah, Brave is great. We've played with them once before (with SX actually), and they are an amazing live band.