Any left-handed persons here?

But i tell you what is hard, writing with a fine liner or one of those inky, non-ballpoint pens because as soon as you write you smudge it.

:eek: YOU FREAKS OF NATURE! I vote we imprison all left-handed people! They are a blight on society!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :confused:
I'm a lefty.... it SUCKS. First of all the rings on a binder get in the way, so i write on the BACK of the page and people think itis weird... why writing on the back of a page is weird when it is easier i don't understand. Second of all yeah you smudge everything once you write and get ink/lead all over your hand and messes up your paper a bit. Next plus when you write you are always PUSHING your pencil/pen in the direction you write and it causes your hand to cramp up and it doesn't glide so your writing is often messier than a right handed persons (i got 50% on my english final essay in 7th grade because the teacher couldn't read it because of my bad writing and because it was so smudged it was a mess... so they didn't even read it and slpit the difference and gave me 50%) I hate the hand cramping thing though... that sucks. we have to push not drag and it hurts :)
Me too, Me Too!!

Being lefty can suck, but it ain't the end of the world.


You really shouldn't go around bagging Lefty's you know, it those FREAK SHOWS like Ethereal Sage you should worry about. He's 'half and half', half the stuff he does with his left hand and the other half he does with his right hand (and I don't just mean writing, I mean bowling, throwing, cathcing, kicking, etc.)

There a menace to ociety I swear.:rolleyes:
hm, how about you do everything backwards then... ?
Write all letters around the wrong way, and write from the right side of the page to the left..

and then when people complain say "you goddamn handist bastard"
Lefty here

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