any Manowar fans here...?

manowar is my past......when i'm still to learn about metal,my friend recommend this band if i want to be a metaller..........hehehehehehe.......also megadeth and iron maiden(until now i still salute both of this band!!!)
They always look so gay on their covers showing their muscles and so. Never checked them out, I don't really like that sort of music.
Manowar is the King!
Theirs cds are amazings!!
Eric Adams is insane and JoeyDe Maio is great!!
:D :) ;) :p :cry: :lol: :D
Originally posted by irrumator
If your not into metal!!
you are not my friend!!!

Ok - that one is kinda ambiguous...

U mean:
1) If u're not into Manowar, you're not into metal?
2) What it really says; if you're not into metal at all?
Yeah of course there are Manowar fans in here.
Remember other bands play Manowar KillZZZZZZZZ

I have the luck to hear their new album Warriors of the World and if fucking great , even having a lot of slow songs, but thta doesn't matter Manowar makes the slowest song into a Metal Hymn! Manowar still rules and they are more alive than ever
Manowar, huh?
Weeeell!!! They are amongst the most discussed bands in metal. Many ppl hate them, whereas other ones love them.
I like all their studio albums. Their music is great.

I had though the bad luck to watch them live many years ago. They sucked that much, that i don't think i will ever go to one of their gigs.