Any of you having a solo project ?


Mat or Mateo
Jan 20, 2008
Montpellier, France

I have started months ago to work on a solo project from scratch, and I was asking to myself if there are many of you doing so, because I'm sure there are many interesting things to talk about.

I would be curious to see how one can manage such a thing, how to advertize it with no gigs (at least in the beginning) when you are not known from the people, the pros and cons in long term relatively to a "normal" band, etc.
Yeah ive got my solo project going now. Ive just finished clearing up all the stuff that goes with releasing a debut EP properly, which has been a bit of a learning curve but ive learnt alot by doing it. As far as advertising goes, this is the point im up too now.

Getting friends bands/projects to help promote your music, make some Youtube video's of you playing the tunes along with any friends that you might have that might make a "music video" purely for the promotion. Merch (CD's/T-shirts) + bundle offers. As much radio play as you can possibly get....

Thats just some stuff off the top of my head but thats what im aiming for at least!
I've got a solo project as well. I've found that it works generally the same as a normal band, but you have to do all the work.

You can definitely play live. I've played live with my solo project material several times. I put out a demo, a bunch of people really liked it and wanted to perform the material with me, so we got a band together and hit the stage.
Apart from my 2 normal bands, I also have a project called SOULITUDE since 2005. I've released 3 albums, all of them free online, cause money is not the goal.
I usually promote albums via e-mail to mags, radios... worldwide.
I've had many excelent reviews in underground and independent magazines and have a small but loyal army of fans out there.

The difference between a band and a project is that I can do whatever I do without taking into consideration the others.
Another great thing is that my project is for me, no matter if only 2 persons in the world may listen to it. I do it cause I like it whereas in a 'normal' band that sells albums and do gigs, you have to think in you but also in your fans and the public.
I've got a solo project as well. I've found that it works generally the same as a normal band, but you have to do all the work.

You can definitely play live. I've played live with my solo project material several times. I put out a demo, a bunch of people really liked it and wanted to perform the material with me, so we got a band together and hit the stage.

Was it so easy to find people interested to just perform and not be part of the creative part of an album ? I personnally see my project leading to a live version, I always write my music keeping in mind how it would sound live, and in the production process I already think of backing tracks, clicks etc.

How did you sell your project if you didn't release it free ? I would personnally be more interested to sell it cheap, especially if it's possible to make it physical. I'm really interested by CDBaby, any of you have worked with them for such a plan ?
Was it so easy to find people interested to just perform and not be part of the creative part of an album ? I personnally see my project leading to a live version, I always write my music keeping in mind how it would sound live, and in the production process I already think of backing tracks, clicks etc.

Yeah it was pretty easy. I already had something of a reputation in the Atlanta area from my previous bands, so between musicians I already knew and people that had heard of me through other avenues, finding musicians wasn't that big of a challenge.

How did you sell your project if you didn't release it free ? I would personnally be more interested to sell it cheap, especially if it's possible to make it physical. I'm really interested by CDBaby, any of you have worked with them for such a plan ?

I had a run made with NationWideDisc, very good price and very good product. Then I sold it via CDBaby. I also have a free, lofi version of the album out.

I haven't sold very many CDs yet.. we'll see how it all pans out. Of the stock I sent CDBaby, all but 1 CD has been sold, and I haven't advertised the page at all almost.
My solo 'band' link is below. I have a myspace page too, but I like reverbnation better. I do everything except drums, I'm using kitcore...

I thought about waiting to post any tracks until I learned more about the recording process, and got my chops back since I was a way better guitar player at 20 than at 35, but I decided to throw everything out there as it was. I figured it would be almost like a real band progressing both in playing and recording quality. A neat concept. I even started referring to the band as 'we' for fun. A friend of mine says my vocals sounded like Mille from Kreator, so my first tracks I consider my "Endless Pain". I hope to progress to my "Pleasure To Kill" when I put out my planned LP this year. (Obviously it won't be as good as Kreator...:rock:)

As far as advertising it, I just set up free accounts at myspace, reverbnation, facebook etc. Once I get ready for my release, I'm just going to do all the promo myself through email blitzes, ads and whatever else that will promote it. I expect to spend way more than I will ever take in. I'm doing it just for the love of music and metal. If people like it, awesome. If they hate it, that's cool too...

Although part of me is really jonesing to play live, I just don't know if I can deal with being in a full band again...
Hey, i'm on the same boat. I'm working everyday on my project since the beginning of this year, after hesitating for 3 years between physics and music. It's really hard since i had to learn how to record properly guitar/bass/reamp/synths/daw... and had to learn about what a good acoustic is, monitors and all the recording gears. After building my studio, which took me some months, I began to learn the "code" of the music i blend (modern melodeath, D'n'B, electro)...:hypno:so much work! And it's very stressfull to be alone, not knowing if you do the right things. I miss a band to work with sometimes! Being alone let you total control but being with friend making music is cool and divide the work for you!

I'm not in yet in the second part of my project building a band for live; I'm sure it'll be quite easy to find some peoples to make a band, and it'll avoid the problem of not having enough skilled musician to begin with, like friends you finally have to fire (hate those situations).

But i'm thinking about what's the best way to be known to make it. If you try to live from making music. And working alone may be better than with a band from a money point of view.
Even if internet is here with all the options to sell the music by yourself, I think working to be signed by a good label really is important, cause they "legitimate" your work, making it "worth to listen/try", and the second part is their power to make advertisments for you (if the label is good) and will help you to make shows (which cost money). So I wouldn't give my work away but maybe in a very low quality with some words in the middle of the song like " you'r listening to *title* from *band* forthcoming album" or something like that. So It's not the final cd that the label could sell but you can begin to be known, spreading your album freely on the web.
In my sig (Vortech). I've been running it since 2000 and currently about to start recording the 5th full length self-release. We've played 6 gigs with a 7th one a few months away. Just me doing all the instruments plus Matti on vocals (he also does the vocals on the albums). Works well and sounds good ;)
I have a solo project/band I'm working on that I'm calling "Mechanisma". I don't have any intentions of turning it into a traditional live band. I'm just doing framework demos, which I'll be re-doing for a proper CD at some point and exploring options for guest vocalists, etc.

I don't have the time or the ability to be in a touring style band, but I still like to play and write. I'll probably offer the album for free, as well as a paid option for a pressed CD, etc. for people who like to have physical CDs.

My current demos are here:

So far I'm doing all the instruments. The drums are part programmed, part played and converted into MIDI for EZ, etc.

I have Aeons Collapse which I haven't touched since I started writing stuff for Better Left Unsaid, but while we're waiting for the BLU album to be released I have been working on an Aeons Collapse EP with 9 songs that were written quite a while ago, hopefully a White Zombie cover if I can pull it off, and some sort of ambient/electronic tracks between some of the songs. Not sure how I'm going to release it yet.