Any shoegaze fans?


Black Heart
Aug 21, 2001
Elmhurst, Ill. USA
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While listening to Novembre-Classica today, I noticed a strong similarity in style at times (esp. Nostalgiaplatz) to my favorite shoegaze band, Slowdive(who I was listening to last night). I think that at times atmospheric black metal has a tendency to sound like some shoegaze type music. Wondering if anyone else noticed this, or if anyone else is into shoegaze at all. My fave shoegaze bands are Slovdive, My Bloody Valentine, Ride, and Swervedriver.
Holy shit, Oyo, I can't believe you remembered that!! And it was just a fluke that I opened this thread! :lol: :lol:

Sorry, dolphz, don't get paranoid. I had mentioned MONTHS ago that I don't like this music, but that's just my personal taste. :grin: