Any smokers?


- King Drunkard claims that if you can't quit you're being a "weak-minded" pussy
- Everybody else knows more about physical addictions so they start a discussion with Richard
- Dakryn claims that government has a conspiracy going on with the tobacco producers and that they profit badly on people's ignorance
- One person actually takes him seriously / +1 page
- Greys and some random virgin claims that girls smoking is such a "huge boner killer"
- Onder compares lungs to vagina
- Krampus posts advice on how to quit smoking and adds two stories about her friends having different experiences with quitting and with having a smoker/non-smoker relationship
- One person replies
- Krampus again

Why are people continuing to post in this thread when it's clearly completed?
Yeah I do.

Mainly roll ups, straights taste nasty and are too short a smoke.

And for the whole "lol enjoy ur lung cancer" thing, I shall. I figure I'm gonna die young from something, be it heart disease from all the crap food I eat, or liver disease from all the booze I drink, or something related to my obesity, might as well throw smoking into the mix seeing as I enjoy it.

Smoker Power!!!:kickass:
Interesting comment coming from a drunk.

:lol: I'm not actually a drunk...

So I, who can toss out his cigarettes and never buy another pack again, am weak-minded for doing something occasionally when I'm drinking or to give me a momentary cathartic drag?


No, me calling people weak-minded pussies is for those who play the woe is me card about how quitting smoking is so impossible to do when they should have a little more mental fortitude is all. You can do what you want brother, I don't give two shits either way, although I would recommend you not because smoking is deadly and disgusting.

I quit 8 years ago, one of the better decisions I've made.

Very nice.


Here, have a dick. Do it.
Anyone ever put a cig out on their arm for no reason. It really hurts.
LOL why would you do that? I've accidentally burned my fingers before but I haven't just given myself an intentional cigarette burn.

I smoked a couple last night while drunk. The hankering for one while drunk is great; actually smoking isn't as good as it used to be though.

Japan is raising cigarette prices from 300 to 410 yen for Japanese brands and from 330 to 440 for imported brands on October 1.

Smoking is stupid and I will probably never be able to watch a movie with characters smoking without feeling a slight tingle of craving. I wish I hadn't started ever but it was kind of fun at the same time. I stopped doing so regularly mainly because I just stopped enjoying it. NY stopped selling all the brands I used to like (Camel Mellows, Lucky Strikes, etc) and raised the prices to $10 a pack. Plus I've been trying to eat better and exercise a lot and smoking seemed counterproductive to that.

We'll see though. One day at a time. Now I'll wait for someone to reply so I can shoot in a lightning fast response and fulfill the Onder prophecy!
Anyone ever put a cig out on their arm for no reason. It really hurts.

I went through a phase where I used to show off that particular skill. It really stings for a few seconds but you get used to it after a while and it becomes quite a pleasurable sensation. I stopped doing it because I was worried that i'd get reported for self harming.
It's not complete. Someone will appear to discuss about the labels.

Well, if I buy cigarettes then I buy heavy Camels or Marlboros, but they are different all over the world so if doesn't say much imo. I hate lighter cigarettes and I don't have money lately so I don't buy any. I'd like to have some now tbh.
I started smoking because I am attracted to women who smoke. When I became attracted to the opposite sex, certain things turned me on and one of those was women smoking. I have always got hugely turned on by the rebellious nature of women smoking, this includes women smoking where there are "no smoking" signs, on buses and around the grounds of None Smoking Hospitals e.t.c which shows major confidence and rebellion in todays society.

I am hugely attracted to young women choosing to smoke despite knowing what they will l;ook like in later life and the diseases they will get. For me smoking has given me a certain amount of sexual satisfaction and having a connection with the women I fancy.

PS - I am only turned on by women smoking normal cigarettes, women smoking menthol cigarettes, roll ups, pipes, any other item smoked or any other smoking accessory would disgust me and would be a big turn off.