Any smokers?

Fair enough, but if a man smokes them what do you think?

Plus smoking isn't all about image, some people actually enjoy it for the taste or whatever.

I actually know a guy who collects cigarette boxes/cartons.

I once was invited to some appartement of my friend's friend to play Lego Harry Potter on Nintendo Wii and the owner of the stuff was a collector of shoes, he just had a wall fucked up with hundred of those white boxes. The shoes themselves were in them boxes I guess. But still, it's like that one short moment to know that the guy is a psycho.

EDIT: Oh BTW, I use smoking as a relief. When I'm nervous or just don't feel good. Cig helps like nothing. But I don't smoke regularily. I can go without it and I don't mind.
Nope, my dad has always smoked and I've never liked it. Such a drain on your wallet too. I'm not anti-smoker though and think all this anti smoking propaganda is kinda silly. If people want to kill themselves then let them. /shrug. Women smoking is an incredible turnoff, to fulfill Onder's prophecy.
I once was invited to some appartement of my friend's friend to play Lego Harry Potter on Nintendo Wii and the owner of the stuff was a collector of shoes, he just had a wall fucked up with hundred of those white boxes. The shoes themselves were in them boxes I guess. But still, it's like that one short moment to know that the guy is a psycho.

EDIT: Oh BTW, I use smoking as a relief. When I'm nervous or just don't feel good. Cig helps like nothing. But I don't smoke regularily. I can go without it and I don't mind.

Jeez that's pretty freaky...

And yeah I know what you mean, whenever I have trouble sleeping I puff on a djarum. Helps me all the way.
1zdbx1w.jpg, god damn
tossed out some 20 dollars worth of cigarettes from my car window last night as i drove home unable to breathe from being sick, and abhorring the taste of them so i think i've officially quit
tossed out some 20 dollars worth of cigarettes from my car window last night as i drove home unable to breathe from being sick, and abhorring the taste of them so i think i've officially quit

whatever your just a quitter
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She reminds me of one of those smoking hypocrites which I absolutely despise. I used to hear them in their hoarse masculine voices saying things like "don't you ever start smoking! I only smoke because i'm addicted and would stop if I could". Around these people I like them to see me encouraging youngsters to smoke and telling them how good it is.
You are the first smoking fetishist I've ever "met" Profanity.

Mort that's great and all but why wouldn't you just toss them in the garbage? Littering is stupid