Any tips for PP 2007?

Stolen Babies
Cult of Luna
Dureforsog (I am not sure if they still exist...)
Junius (!!!)
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum


Bring PYRAMAZE to PP 2007 they will blow everyone away, also look at these two new bands from Texas in the USA OUTWORLD, and MEYVN they would go over big.
Pyramaze51 said:
Bring PYRAMAZE to PP 2007 they will blow everyone away, also look at these two new bands from Texas in the USA OUTWORLD, and MEYVN they would go over big.

Some very good suggestions. The new Pyramaze is amazing. Although I have never heard of Meyvn. But let that be henceforth corrected!

Found them:


Ok I heard a few songs and they are absolutely amazing! :rock:
It would be nice if PPF will go even more twisted way - I liked a lot that we had Ephel Duath and Textures, and Scar Symmetry... Not only <joke>boring, traditional progmetal stuff ;)</joke>

Think about the bands I have mentioned. ;)
Hawk said:
Some very good suggestions. The new Pyramaze is amazing. Although I have never heard of Meyvn. But let that be henceforth corrected!

Found them:


Ok I heard a few songs and they are absolutely amazing! :rock:
Yes they are, and really nice guys. Drew Creel is one of the nicest guys you will ever met. I hope that Rene sees this and looks into them, i know they are hoping for a slot at PROGPOWER USA VIII next year :rock:

Another band to check out is Fair to Midland, now these guys are different but amazing
Don't know if they exactly fit in the concept, but a band that's NEVER played outside Scandinavia are the Finnish hard rockers TAROT.

Since the early 80's these guys have created extraordinary music. Yet we never get the chance to see them live, although frontman Marco Hietala -by also shaping the sound of NIGHTWISH, and by his activities in SINERGY or the current Dutch Gothic project DELAIN- surely has acquired an army of dedicated followers who long to see him!

For us, it would be a dream come true if they were invited to your party!
:rock: :rock: :rock:
Keep on rocking!
Tomorrow's Eve just released what I consider the best "traditional" prog metal album this year (that is, stuff that doesn't play in the same category as Sikth or Unexpect or Stolen Babies, who are all AWESOME but by no means classical prog) and I can't wait to see them on their release party this Saturday. I know that I loved their show at PP 2004, even though they still didn't have Martin back then. They are my number one suggestion for 2007. I would love to see them especially at Progpower.

Full disclosure: I wrote most of the lyrics for Mirror of Creation II and am good friends with Martin Lemar. I might be biased, but I think they kick some fucking ass.
This may not sound like a listener suggestion but you can listen to Dreamtone samples from the latest Snowfall release at -> main screen (under the news headlines)

And as a listener, I would like to see Blind Guardian :)
Oganalp, you actually have to send them demos yourself. Physical copies, you know? Don't be lazy now ;)