Anybody Else Pick Up The Damned Things?

What are the chances that the new album will be all thrash?? Everyone keeps saying that Anthrax is back to writing thrash, but I do not believe it. The Damned Things is not bad, but to be honest, sounds like all that other shit that is out right now. Ian has always had a knack for following the trends, and this is no exception. I would love to hear a new album written in the Spreading the Disease style, but we all know that had a lot of input from Lilker, as most songs he helped write, and I believe to this day that Lilker was the thrash element of Anthrax, and once he left it was never the same. I know I will get slammed, but the stuff he helped write was the really cool stuff on Spreading and Among, just the way I see it...
oh and I am not saying Lilker was Anthrax, just saying I liked the stuff that his input or influence was in better then some of the later stuff...
Your right, I just really liked the stuff that Lilker was involved in more for some reason. Not sure if there is a connection or not. JUst seems the speed was there more in the very beginning.
What are the chances that the new album will be all thrash?? Everyone keeps saying that Anthrax is back to writing thrash, but I do not believe it. The Damned Things is not bad, but to be honest, sounds like all that other shit that is out right now. Ian has always had a knack for following the trends, and this is no exception. I would love to hear a new album written in the Spreading the Disease style, but we all know that had a lot of input from Lilker, as most songs he helped write, and I believe to this day that Lilker was the thrash element of Anthrax, and once he left it was never the same. I know I will get slammed, but the stuff he helped write was the really cool stuff on Spreading and Among, just the way I see it...

I tend to agree with you. I guess I loved Anthrax with him and without. Loved POT, probably my favorite Anthrax album. But I totally agree it would be awesome if they returned to the STD and ATL days. I just don't see that ever happening with this band.

My only hope for that is if they do another SOD album. Lilker wouldn't ever let Scott Ian play pussy shit like The Damned Things.

Scott Ian playing with Fall Out Boy is just wrong on so many levels. But what ever floats his boat. I guess with old age comes this type of shit. But I am almost as old as him and still am into Death Metal. So what ever!
Just listened to it. Cool rock album with two, three standing out songs.

Agreed. I think it's a pretty good album. A couple of fillers on there (like the second track), but also some really good ones (like the title track).

I think I might get tired of listening to the album rather quickly though. It doesn't take a lot of listens to get into it, and I don't think it will take a lot of listens to drop out of it either.
The first song is pretty good. I have to say, the singer reminds me of Joey Belladonna at times :lol: especially in the song Bad Blood.
The first song is pretty good. I have to say, the singer reminds me of Joey Belladonna at times :lol: especially in the song Bad Blood.

In my opinion, Bad Blood and Friday Night are two of the fillers.
Do not read this as a critique of Joey Belladonna :)

I think the singer in the Damnend Things has a pretty good voice, though. Lots of range and variation. Handles clean and melodic singing really well, but also has some decent screams in there to spice things up.
It's got some good hooks throughout - I need to give it a few more listens.
I just got it but haven't listened to it. I suppose it's just one more thing to slide in my ass.