Anybody else think this is awful?

Yeah, I saw them - it's some cleanish stuff with drum tracks behind it. Cool enough stuff, but like you said, they were 'sort of ideas.'

Why are you expecting 'good musicianship' out of a scene band like this? Take it for what it is - you wouldn't expect a theif to be honest, why expect a scene band to be virtuosos?

It is a matter of taste, and you can be surprised all you want, but grow up a bit and stop harping on it. You don't see me posting a thread with a link to the myspace in your sig complaining about how it's the most generic, boring, contrived, titanic-sinking kind of djent that's been done over and over and over and over and over again.

I recorded that track over a year ago, again as an idea when my band just started out. That was when i was just getting into production as well. No, I don't see you posting a link but you've just done it there in that post so that brings you down to the same level as me if we are doing this on your terms. Srsly what the hell is your problem?

So i'm supposed to deduce the type of band just from the name and say 'Omgz scenecorez111'? You can't judge the musicianship until you've listened to the track.
I hate to keep beating a dead horse (and I mean that for once before someone jumps on me and says otherwise! :lol:) but I think this band showcases how the music that's the most un-offensive to your ears can actually be the most offensive music.
It makes me weep when I see kids like that dude earlier say "i like to write and play generic music." Originality is a very important thing in music, expressing yourself rather than expressing a million other copy paste bands, y'know? I'm sure EVERYONE that plays music has something unique to say, but nobody does it and it saddens me to a huge degree.

To say "it's not that bad, I could put it on in the background if I didn't want something to offend my ears" is sort of like admitting you listen to elevator music, because the same principle applies, y'know? And I'm sure there's no-one here thats going to stick up for elevator music. And as far as metal goes this is probably about as close as it gets.

I'm not saying all music needs to be 100% deep and meaningful and heavy thought provokey stuff, but that's the thing, we all have unique experiences in life and different viewpoints and I wanna hear about these from quote unquote musicians, even if they are scene kids in it for the pussy and the lolz, not just another regurgitated riff.
THIS is crabcore..


:rolleyes: They are doing a br00talz stance
I recorded that track over a year ago, again as an idea when my band just started out. That was when i was just getting into production as well. No, I don't see you posting a link but you've just done it there in that post so that brings you down to the same level as me if we are doing this on your terms. Srsly what the hell is your problem?

So i'm supposed to deduce the type of band just from the name and say 'Omgz scenecorez111'? You can't judge the musicianship until you've listened to the track.

I was proving a point - I hear terrible stuff every day, and I don't post threads about it. At the same time, I'm not going to criticize them for writing generic music since I know not everything I write is groundbreaking and I'm not going to act like it is.

I'm not saying that at all - I'm saying that your complaint about a lack of musicianship is irrelevant in this case because that band is in a genre where musicianship is not to be expected. Again, it's like expecting a whore to be virgin-tight - it's just not going to happen.

I hate to keep beating a dead horse (and I mean that for once before someone jumps on me and says otherwise! :lol:) but I think this band showcases how the music that's the most un-offensive to your ears can actually be the most offensive music.
It makes me weep when I see kids like that dude earlier say "i like to write and play generic music." Originality is a very important thing in music, expressing yourself rather than expressing a million other copy paste bands, y'know? I'm sure EVERYONE that plays music has something unique to say, but nobody does it and it saddens me to a huge degree.

To say "it's not that bad, I could put it on in the background if I didn't want something to offend my ears" is sort of like admitting you listen to elevator music, because the same principle applies, y'know? And I'm sure there's no-one here thats going to stick up for elevator music. And as far as metal goes this is probably about as close as it gets.

I'm not saying all music needs to be 100% deep and meaningful and heavy thought provokey stuff, but that's the thing, we all have unique experiences in life and different viewpoints and I wanna hear about these from quote unquote musicians, even if they are scene kids in it for the pussy and the lolz, not just another regurgitated riff.

Gareth, I really don't see your point here. Just because music can be innovative and original does not at all mean it has to be to be good music.

Take you, for instance. You proudly display the banner of one of the most generic deathcore bands in your signature. Fuck, you SING in that band. Is it innovative? Groundbreaking? Original? No. Does it kick fucking ass? Oh hell yes.

That's not to say that this band isn't unoriginal while still kind of sucking, but come on... just because it's elevator music doesn't mean it detracts from deep, meaningful music. In fact, without 'elevator' music, everything would be deep and meaningful music and suddenly there'd be zero dynamic - we need the shit to keep the good stuff around. I will whole-heartedly stick up for elevator music, fuck yes. Some of that stuff has some really sick jazzy progressions going on! :lol:

You really wanna hear about viewpoints and life experience from scene kids who are only in it for pussy? You want to hear songs about wearing tight pants, crabcoring around the house, practicing a new two-step technique, hooking up with dirty scene girls, and bragging to their friends about it? I'd rather they write generic ass crap like this band, personally. If I want to hear about bullshit life experiencing and meaningless opinions, I will listen to terrible country and rap, thank you very much.
Oh please ...

like you've never taken a bite of something, discovered it tasted horrible and then told your buddy or your woman ... "This tastes like shit ....take a bite"

Sure. That's a direct analogy to the whining that is taking over this forum. Thank you. I take it all back.
That's an interesting way of thinking about it actually Jeff. Shitty music making the good music better, hadn't really thought of it that way before haha.
That's an interesting way of thinking about it actually Jeff. Shitty music making the good music better, hadn't really thought of it that way before haha.

Really? You haven't? Man, that's how I think all the time. It helps. As they say, Grass needs fertilizer to grow.
This argument is funny as fuck because you're basically arguing over wether people who look like pricks and play like pricks actually are pricks or not.
I hate to keep beating a dead horse (and I mean that for once before someone jumps on me and says otherwise! :lol:) but I think this band showcases how the music that's the most un-offensive to your ears can actually be the most offensive music.
It makes me weep when I see kids like that dude earlier say "i like to write and play generic music." Originality is a very important thing in music, expressing yourself rather than expressing a million other copy paste bands, y'know? I'm sure EVERYONE that plays music has something unique to say, but nobody does it and it saddens me to a huge degree.

To say "it's not that bad, I could put it on in the background if I didn't want something to offend my ears" is sort of like admitting you listen to elevator music, because the same principle applies, y'know? And I'm sure there's no-one here thats going to stick up for elevator music. And as far as metal goes this is probably about as close as it gets.

I'm not saying all music needs to be 100% deep and meaningful and heavy thought provokey stuff, but that's the thing, we all have unique experiences in life and different viewpoints and I wanna hear about these from quote unquote musicians, even if they are scene kids in it for the pussy and the lolz, not just another regurgitated riff.

Originality IS important in music.
But so is fucking having fun.

I enjoy writing and playing generic stuff because it is awesome to play.

And what if expressing yourself IS generic music to A LOT of other people.
What if that is the music you enjoy the most and the music that means the most to you?

Now don't think i am some random scene kid trying to defend deathcore or some such, I'm far from it.
I just enjoy the music and i enjoy writing and playing it.
I also enjoy writing MANY MANY other styles of music because music is what I enjoy most.

You are judging a book by its cover, maybe not TCA but other bands like them.
Maybe the musicians DO play other more original music, maybe they also have talent in other styles of music yet they CHOOSE to write stuff you consider generic because it is how they want to play music.

TO ME the main point of music is having fun, NOT being original.
Although don't take that as me saying originality is not a part of playing music.

EDIT: just listened to slice the cake, SICK TUNES MAN!
i think my comment is now invalid though as it seems you too like to play generic music(don't take that as a stab, I am being serious, I myself just started a project of the same variety in which I do vocals, shits fun man)