New Attack Attack song

Are we talking about "sexual love chocolate" as their new song?

I was digging it until about 1:28 when that gay-ass 4/4 kick drum came in.

Good production though; do quite like the guitars.
Not personally...but from a band/musical perspective.

Yeah their music is still Christian. They even said on stage "This is all for the love we have for Jesus Christ" they just don' blatantly say it in their songs but its all got the christian influences.
anyone ever see the video where that guy got nailed by a cup or bottle or something and started crying onstage?
That was lulz
I don't care about that band in particular but throwing things at musicians on stage isn't that cool after all. I was at an In Flames show once where Anders got hit by a shoe (it was a Festival where they didn't really fit in). He left the stage and they finished more than half of Colony without Vocals. And I just imagine someone throwing something at Dez from DevilDriver. :lol: I know who would get their ass kicked.

(Btw he didn't literally cry, did he? Just curious. :goggly: )
I think Ryan is interning for him, so this brings the question, is this POD/Synthetic or Ryan? If its the same interning that I have done at different studios I bet Ryan is just running getting cigarettes an coffee, and energy drinks for the crabs.
I think Ryan is interning for him, so this brings the question, is this POD/Synthetic or Ryan? If its the same interning that I have done at different studios I bet Ryan is just running getting cigarettes an coffee, and energy drinks for the crabs.

im pretty sure hes not goferring for joey :P
Sounds the same as every other 'core' band out there. Production doesn't sound special at all to me, sounds robotic and overly tight/dry. I suppose that could be myspace though.
I think Ryan is interning for him, so this brings the question, is this POD/Synthetic or Ryan? If its the same interning that I have done at different studios I bet Ryan is just running getting cigarettes an coffee, and energy drinks for the crabs.

1.y'all fucking laaaaaaaaammmeeeeee(cept th people not bashing :D) these new t00nz are sick as fuck
2. its pawd
3 i am just hanging out and learning and helping
4. joey is da king shit
Joey, you did a nice job producing.

Definitely one of your best POD tones yet, but I hope you get a little more thwack out of the drums.

Also guys, this song had 30,000 plays in ONE DAY and over 8 MILLION on some of their songs... I doubt most of the people on this forum (including myself, of course, this isn't a holier-than-thou-comment) will ever achieve that amount of myspace plays on one of your songs in a week, never mind in a lifetime. If I produced a band that had that kind of fanbase, I could quit my fuckin' day job. I hope that dream comes true.

Any of you people who have actually spoken to Joey will know that he's a human being and is very much down to earth, not a high and mighty douchebag, despite his success, per the comments about Ryan being his intern.

I wish Attack Attack could be a little bit more mature in their songwriting/riffage. I think with Joey's help they could be an outstanding band *by this forums standards, which doesn't really mean shit in the real world* if they really worked at it.
but not by much. weird transitions and genre hops are still there, theyre just less ostentatious
heh, everyone is expecting Joey is reading these.

If I were him, I wouldn't give a shit.. he probably knows threads like these are filled with "omg shitty band" and while some people are praising his skills and while I agree, I wouldn't bother reading these threads anymore if I were him.