New Attack Attack song

Personally, I think everything gels a lot better now.

Caleb's vocals are outstanding IMO.
Johnny's vocals sound a lot more mature without auto-tune stuck on there.

And of course, playing in drop B, djenty-style definitely makes the dirty vocals sit a lot better.

I like the song.
They are not "christian" anymore.
They posted in a blog that they were losing the christian aspect.

I suppose it was just a gimmick to get themselves signed.

Everyone knows that all the labels LOVE double-pedal jesus metal.


Dude....I didn't even realize they were coming from the Christian music scene. This is TWICE crappy Christian music has started a trend in heavy music. I'm placing bets on bands like Luti-Kriss and the original Underoath that started this breed of hardcore, and now Attack Attack (like Underoath) has dropped their Christian aspect and created crabcore.

Production rocks though. Right on, Joey. The melodies just sing (even though I don't care for the writing).
What I mean with *bam* is that they release this with the possibilities of loosing a lot of fanbase, although I believe that won't happen, nor I believe they will gain any, I liked it better but far from enough to even consider buying or something
So where's this djentyness Joey was talking about?
This is far less obnoxious than anything off their last album though, but this is still 10x more annoying than most shit out there. Still sounds like a weird mish mash of sounds that dont work together, but they're just mish mashed a bit more subtley.
A consumate meh but I guess I couldn't expect much more.
With the keys guy screaming they sound like It Dies Today. I like the piano / keys in the beginning, the guitars sound pretty good but for some reason I like the ones on the first album better.
I don't think the music ground-breaking to my ears, but not horrendous either.

I still think all of them could use a haircut, tho.
I don't think the music ground-breaking to my ears, but not horrendous either.

I still think all of them could use a haircut, tho.

I know it's like Attack Of The Clones for chrissake

besides the weird dude with the crazy fro

anyone ever see the video where that guy got nailed by a cup or bottle or something and started crying onstage?
That was lulz