New Attack Attack album, take 2

I liked Stick Stickly (there, I said it :p), but the whole album failed to interrest me in the longer run.
Looking forward to hearing in what direction they will take the new album :Saint:
This is weird. In the other topic everybody threw their jokes, criticise and said that the band didnt worth a shit. Now there is a huge interest in the band? should not be the same band that appears in the other topic:goggly:
I'm interested in how this next album will come out. I know that they listen to some much heavier stuff than the album they put out, so I assumed that would be reflected in their new album.
The thing is, Caleb is not a great screamer. Live anyways. He had to stop screaming and catch his breath like every other line. How was he tracking the new song?

Also, is there still gonna be alot of synth and whatnot in the new album, because honestly that is 3/4ths of why people like them so much.
I talked to Johnny at a show about 4-5 months ago and that was the first time i heard they were dropping the christian aspect. That's when Nick was still with em too. I know with them + joey, the next CD is going to be exactly where they should go.
let's total polar opposite the other thread and turn this one into IT-TAKES-A-MAN-TO-ADMIT-YOUR-GUILTY-AA-PLEASURE thread.

seriously, who DOESN'T have a whole playlist of shameful nonsense that you BLAST in the car by yourself. mines pretty embarassing. TDWP? awesome. as long as i can't distinguish the jesus lyrics, and no one else can hear it, TDWP will be bumpin in my car.
I actually really enjoyed Attack Attack!'s last album -- mainly the dance/techno parts. Their "br00tal" breakdowns all sounded the same though and were, quite frankly, retarded.

I didn't think they could sing without auto-tune. lol. I'm actually excited to hear if they got someone else to sing, or if that dude doesn't need auto-tune 100% of the time.

I PRAY that Johnny Franck electrocutes himself again before their photoshoot! :lol:
I think it's funny how they look kinda like The Faceless used to look like. That's probably when The Faceless gained some emo bitch fans, when they shared shows with shitty deathcore bands. I believe you can make the emo scum listen to anything, if you look gay enough. Whatever genre you'd classify The Faceless as, there will never be a -core in the end of it.

