New Attack Attack song

So where's this djentyness Joey was talking about?
This is far less obnoxious than anything off their last album though, but this is still 10x more annoying than most shit out there. Still sounds like a weird mish mash of sounds that dont work together, but they're just mish mashed a bit more subtley.
A consumate meh but I guess I couldn't expect much more.

you think that a band who played crap crab scene cock core to a buntch of 14 year olds is going to release their song thats in drop G first?


no one would buy their record, cuz lets face it, djent doesnt sell well..

but there's some djent shit, for sure. so pick up the record when it comes out!
So they aren't Christian anymore . . . OK. (I'll assume they're still Christians themselves) Yeah I had to ask, I'm not a fan so I don't read AA's blog. Just certain things I heard while I gave them a listen.

anyways what happen to no autotune? It's not extreme but I think I hear it.

there's just general pitch correction as in, adjusting his pitch if he was slightly flat or sharp

there's no auto tune, wtf is wrong with all of you

auto tune is used on almost any performance we hear in music / media entertainment!
thanks to everyone who liked my work

to everyone else, please go listen to something else, i've exhausted my efforts on almost everything i've ever done, so if you dont like it, its because you just dont like this type of shit. its not because i do a bad job. thanks!
thanks to everyone who liked my work

to everyone else, please go listen to something else, i've exhausted my efforts on almost everything i've ever done, so if you dont like it, its because you just dont like this type of shit. its not because i do a bad job. thanks!

Yeah Joey I would'nt really sweat anyones opinions and I am sure you don't. I think you do phenominal work.

And might I add I did not like AttackAttack at all, but that new song definantly peaked my interest a bit. I like some of the transitions going on in it. I mean musically its not anything I would really want to play, but I can see the fun in listening to it.
Great mix/master, Joey!

Do you actually 'produce' them or are you "just" engineering/mixing/mastering?

I don't care for the music, contemporary pop is not my thing.
It's about time we stop judging joey on what he produces. It's boring and is now devoid of any value it had in it, even irony.

Anyway, as everyone should admit, it's a great mix.

yes i produced this, it doesnt mean i was like, ok you guys, dont play breakdowns and you must play C G Am F
you can't do that with every band obviously, you take what the guys have, and the idea of what the band wants to accomplish, and you mesh the two and make it happen

thats what i did, they love it, job well done
has anyone else heard this yet?
Myspace link

The guitars sound fucking ridiculous
I honestly think these are the best sounding guitars Joey has done.

the song is alot better than their last album IMO, glad there is no more auto-tune and they do sound a little more mature now.

what are you guy's thoughts?

the guitars are:

typical pod-farm-tact

with a limiter and post eq

its mainly to make the pod farm sound good

pod farm also has eq engaged

there's just a lot of eq going on
I think some people don't understand that when audio engineering is your job, you don't do it for yourself, you do it for the band and people who will listen to the album.

Producing a band is different than downloading tracks online and mixing them.
I think some people don't understand that when audio engineering is your job, you don't do it for yourself, you do it for the band and people who will listen to the album.

Producing a band is different than downloading tracks online and mixing them.

very true

i spend a lot of time adding things that people can identify and connect with the song. such as repetition of a certain effect, or making a chorus soar by the use of extra auxiliary type instruments.

producing really doesn't have much to do with mixing or even engineering, unless you consider some of the sound design aspects to producing. i spend a lot of time designing sound and sound effects for songs to help make them more unique. anyone can have distorted guitar, or drum samples. so in the end it comes down what makes the song unique, and capitalizing on those points.