New MISS MAY I cd (produced by Joey Sturgis)

Yes it is the Diamondplate model he uses I think. At least that's what the discussions have been around on regarding his POD patch that everyone requests. For the newbies around here, I don't want this discussion turning into that. If you want his POD preset, do a forum search for his pod settings, they're on here. I am interested though in knowing whether or not he used any type of impulses. I've never been able to get any pod presets to sound good enough to make me happy. They all sound thin and weak and very digital. However, coupled with various impulses has been the only way I've been able to get them to sound very good. I know Joey is an accomplished engineer and producer, so I know he knows how to polish a turd, but this just sounds really good for being just POD farm.
I love the super bombs joey put in on this ;)

YES!!!! And I love all the HUGE slate Z4 snare bombs, haha. fucking awesome!

i dont care if it may be overdone, if it's awesome.... its awesome!

I have come to the conclusion, and Phil agrees, that Joey's style is very 'comic book-y'. think about it.

when you get it, you get a HUGE respect for his work.
yes, thats the whole point, to make it seem way more massive than it ever could be in real life, but still retaining a real life vibe for what the band has to offer live. comic book is like the best description i've ever heard of what i'm trying to do. its like super hero musicians but they're still human and musicians.

this doesn't always turn out to be true to the real deal, but most of the time its pretty close, honestly. more so with the bigger acts who have a budget to pull off the production live.

the drums on this are drums i recorded my self, which you can buy at my sample store.

thanks for the compliments. sorry to those of you who have little problems with it.
actually...scratch what I said about using real amps. That's what I like but you have developed your own style using POD, it works for your mixes and people love it, so stick with it I'd say.

good job

EDIT: is this the snare you're selling?
I haven't tried the sample yet (although I bought it a long time ago)...sound cool in this mix!
HiRes player would be cool
Joey, this is seriously GREAT! This is by far your best work.

Just a question and its not to be a dick at all. Are these bands requesting POD, or are you just more comfortable with it then a real amp? I am just wondering cause putting some real 5150 on this mother fucker would make me fap fap fap fap fap fap fap like a mad man. My only issue with this is the "PODness" of the guitars. The fucking drums are MASSIVE! This is killer work man!!!

I'm glad you get the comic book reference...!

I was sitting the other day listening to the new MMI and it really occured to me and made total sense...!
Joey, this is seriously GREAT! This is by far your best work.

Just a question and its not to be a dick at all. Are these bands requesting POD, or are you just more comfortable with it then a real amp? I am just wondering cause putting some real 5150 on this mother fucker would make me fap fap fap fap fap fap fap like a mad man. My only issue with this is the "PODness" of the guitars. The fucking drums are MASSIVE! This is killer work man!!!

most the people who work with me agree that pod sounds better than real amps. and for the record, bands don't make those decisions on the record. i mean, that would be like going to the auto body shop and telling the guys that you want your frame restored with brass because you know better. lol...
don't get me wrong, they definitly influence the tone, and give input, and its well accepted. for instance, the guitar players in miss may i were really stoked because they said i made the guitar tone on the record sound like the perfect version of their live tone.

but yeah, as far as the real amp vs pod amp argument debate whatever, its over-strung and over-done. lets give it a rest. pod has proved its self and its here to stay. it sounds great! you hear it on countless records and don't even realize it. its not my fault that all these bands are so driven by chugging that it makes everyone go, oh that guitar tone isn't unique. yeah? well the playing isn't either. what do you expect?
What Joey can do with the POD is better than what 95 per cent of people could do with mic-ing up amps.
And his mixes wipe the floor with what 95 percent of what people can do.
This production definitely is a testament to the fact he's improving as a producer and engineer. Good stuff, Joey.
Question: Are you using your own samples or Slate, or a combination of both? What's the live drum sound to sampled ratio?
Question: Are you using your own samples or Slate, or a combination of both? What's the live drum sound to sampled ratio?

kick is slate
snare is jerod's truth brass we recorded with a sm 57
toms are his truth toms recorded with 421's
cymbals are jerod's cymbals recorded with neumann's

you can buy all the samples (minus the kick) on my web site
So when comping the final drum takes themselves how did you go about things?

I'm curious as to whether the final drum tracks are quantized representations of the guy's performance, or whether you recorded his performance, converted it to midi then used samples of his kit to tweak the nuances of the performance to a state of "perfection?" (My personal definition of perfection would probably be one where the original take is left as is, warts and all, which is the polar opposite, yet equal, viewpoint. Some duality there for ya, kids!)
Any augmentation going on? I had a listen and could have sworn I heard a slate room sample in there, but that could be just me. Or perhaps you augmented with the samples you took of this guy's kit, and decided not to use slate?

I'm curious for details just to see how your work flow and creative choices on these matters are changing and evolving.
So when comping the final drum takes themselves how did you go about things?

I'm curious as to whether the final drum tracks are quantized representations of the guy's performance, or whether you recorded his performance, converted it to midi then used samples of his kit to tweak the nuances of the performance to a state of "perfection?" (My personal definition of perfection would probably be one where the original take is left as is, warts and all, which is the polar opposite, yet equal, viewpoint. Some duality there for ya, kids!)
Any augmentation going on? I had a listen and could have sworn I heard a slate room sample in there, but that could be just me. Or perhaps you augmented with the samples you took of this guy's kit, and decided not to use slate?

I'm curious for details just to see how your work flow and creative choices on these matters are changing and evolving.

Awesome question Gareth. definatley keen to hear Joey's answer