Anybody herd of this


Mar 16, 2008
Sydney, Australia
I suppose this is me being lazy as i know theres a few other ways to do this, buuuut

I'm wanting to use live drums to trigger ezDrummer, so i can use the the Kick snare and toms but keep the real OH sound of the Live Kit. so i can have velocity control and easier quantising

So what im looking for is something that could post tracking use audio Transients to convert into Midi along the lines of a plugin.

I know this could easyily be done with Drumagog and elastic audio and me capturing the smaples from DFH, but as i said... im kinda being lazy.. haha

Just thought id chuck it out there
I'm going to experiment with that on our next gig.

Roland Acoustic Triggers -> Td3 -> midi -> Alesis io|14 -> macbook -> Alesis io14 -> PA

Right now the latency is around 5ms, using impulse inside ableton with custom samples (multisamples are pretty much unnecessary anyway)

Something will surely FUCK UP :heh::heh::heh:
Wow...this surely hasn't been covered a zillion times already. :Smug:

Wow...this surely hasn't been covered a zillion times already. :Smug:


Oh yeah, i missread the OP and thought he ment he wants to do it live, as in on stage at a gig. Hence my reply. I'm going to try it live at a gig, no more crappy dm5 samples
Wow...this surely hasn't been covered a zillion times already. :Smug:


Yeah i Did some searching around. sorry. I see youve got some skills in this.

I tried using my fxpansion VST to RTAS to unwrap and use the KT Drum trigger, It didnt work, which didnt suprised me. Any idead if theres one Out there for protools

If you have a MIDI input on whatever interface you are using then one solution is an Alesis DM5 off of eBay. Usually go for dirt cheap, plug all your triggers into that, set up cross-talk and shit then MIDI out into your interface. Setup a MIDI channel in PT and match the notes on the EZD drum map with the DM5 for each drum, route the DM5 to that MIDI channel, done.
