Anybody Here Going to Any of the Ozzfest Dates This Year?


The Unholy Messiah
Aug 30, 2001
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i saw BLS, Killswitch Engage, COF, Voivod, Shadows Fall and Manson on the bill and figured shit i might as well check it out. anyone else going to any of the shows? i am going July 30th in Pittsburgh, and cant fuckin wait! (not to mention 9 days later i return to the same venue to see Iron Maiden, WOO!)
Pricetag keeps me away. That and I don't really like many of the bands.. Not even Ozzy. I liked his voice in Black Sabbath but it just seems like it gets whinier sounding as he gets older. Also he looks so fragile I'd be wincing everytime he jumped on stage for fear he would break.
ahh, see a local radfio station gave tickets away for 20 bucks, some listener appreciation junk, so i hopped on that.

plus i am meeting someone there (chick) who is a metalhaed like me, which is what i need after dating someone who looked like she could become a metalhead only to dulge farther into pop shit. yuck.
Honestly, I think even if the bill were better as far as bands I really want to see, I wouldn't go due to the weather lately. It's too hot to stand outside and hafta pay to get water or whatever.
I hope when Maiden finally gets to the US on the official album tour that it will be a lot cooler out. This heat index of over 100 every day sucks!
for sure Lamia, i've been working outside at my dead end job in that crap. no picnic, but to go to shows, i think it'll be worth some of the conditions, plus i get to meet new people at the Ozzfest date, which in my eyes is a positive.

not to mention i noticed i put BLS in the bill when they aren't on it...oops!

so how has things been with you Lamia? its been a really long time since i talked with you, i hope all is well.
If I could get tickets for 20 bucks I'd probably go. If they were playing the Gorge over in my area this year I'd definately go, from my point a view that is the coolest concert venue in the U.S., that and a nice little road trip then camping is too good to miss.
dont feel bad at all. thanks to the niceness of UM for remembering this s/n i used like years ago, nobody has a damn clue who the shit i am. its Unholy Punishment/Unholy Messiah from the old BB.

looks like i gotta tweek the personal stats some! lol
Ahh ok.

Yeah someone else registered my name a while ago, no biggie though. I kinda like having 'the Great' on the end of my name. I match my car now :)
there ya go! nothing like some positive motivation!

i think i was in a massive Nevermore, Rob Van Dam phase of my life when i made this name. then again maybe the fact that i use this name is better off, god knows what i would've come up with now. my binges are Killswitch Engage and Soda Tabs (long story) so i would be like The Soda Tab Killswitch or soemthing like that.

Yeah my car is named Alexander the Great. :)

He rules!!!!!!

I spose I could have called myself WrathofLamia as well, but I don't know, I don't really have much to be crabby about for once in my life :D
my dad owns a Ford, a 2002 Sporttrack...i cant complain about it, its a nice vehicle.

mine is a 98 Sunfire, which in itself is a nice car, but i got it used and fuckin cheap so it has some imperfections, like the lack of tape deck or cd player (so i can blast metal and make people's ears bleed...a fun spare time activity), the hinge to the seat go back thingy is broke, so i am stuck in th same position even if i go on a road trip and wanna sleep in my car. at 80,000 miles though, the thing still scoots well enough and hasn't required that much work, so i gotta admit that i am overally pleased.

all this for a crack over $5000
Lotus_Eater_RVD said:
my dad owns a Ford, a 2002 Sporttrack...i cant complain about it, its a nice vehicle.

mine is a 98 Sunfire, which in itself is a nice car, but i got it used and fuckin cheap so it has some imperfections, like the lack of tape deck or cd player (so i can blast metal and make people's ears bleed...a fun spare time activity), the hinge to the seat go back thingy is broke, so i am stuck in th same position even if i go on a road trip and wanna sleep in my car. at 80,000 miles though, the thing still scoots well enough and hasn't required that much work, so i gotta admit that i am overally pleased.

all this for a crack over $5000

Well Fords are like any new car. They will run well, but they don't stand up to age. Bronco line of trucks were discontinued in 96. So all of them are getting up there, mine is a '89 though. My plans were always to restore and that is the only way to go if you are going to buy/keep a Ford. Truth be told, just take it in for scheduled tune ups and regular maintenance even a Ford will last you a long time.

You could always go to a junk yard and get the part to fix the seat.