Anybody recording in 64bit?

no....i ment is your operating system 32bit or 64bit

sorry for the misleading title , i totaly didn't think lol

I think almost everyone has a 64bit computer now a days, whether or not they take advantage of it is another question. I was using Reaper 64 under Vista 64, so I could take full advantage of my available ram (which was nice) but almost all the plugins I used were not 64 bit compatible, so I ended up switching back to a 32 bit version....

Hopefully in the near future 64 bit will be standard, no more compatibility issues.
iirc, there was a wrapper floating around that let you use 32bit plugins in 64 bit daws, so you still have a 2gb cap but on individual plugins instead of on the entire daw
use jbridge, if you want to use all your RAM with 32bit plugins. (doesn't require a 32bit daw, just a 64bit OS).

Sonar is 64bit and has been for quite some time now - I just recently built a 64 bit system (Vista 64 but looking to go to Windows 7 in a few weeks) and I'm running both versions till I'm sure everything I want will work.
Those wrappers have caused me nothing but issues... I hear they are getting better, but by the time they are bug free, most plug-ins will probably be 64bit anyway....
64 bit, 2822.4 kHz. My rig was made for me by a little man in India, none of you can have it, there's only one of it.

Hmm..Where in india would that be..maybe i can get your rig after all :p

yea the wrappers are fairly buggy i've heard..